View Full Version : Griots Clay any good??

06-09-2005, 06:23 AM
I was in the mood to try a new clay, ive used zainos before but was honestly not that happy with the amount of clay provided. Also there clay seemed to dry out quickly after the first use, it was stored in an air tight container. So I purchased griots with the speed shine. What is everyone opinion on this product before I use it on my car???

Thanks Chris

06-09-2005, 06:26 AM
Griot`s Clay ids as good as any I have used. I used it with the pad that holds it. I had very good results and the paint was clean and smooth. Nothing unusual, but effective enough to recommend.

06-09-2005, 10:38 AM
I used Griot`s clay (the older green stuff and the current yellow version) for a *long* time before I switched to the Autopia/Sonus gray stuff. It isn`t bad but *for me* it doesn`t clean as well as the Sonus and it will go "soupy" if you use it with wash solution instead of clay lube.

Last time I used Griot`s I went back over it with Sonus, and the Sonus cleaned off a fair amount of yellow Griot`s clay. So make sure you don`t leave clay residue on the panels.

But hey, it`s not like it`s a bad clay or anything. Seems to stay pretty soft and is easy to knead. Just remember that the Speed Shine has quite a bit of carnauba in it, so wash it all down before you apply something like Zaino.

06-09-2005, 10:47 AM
Get DP(detail pride at autogeek) clay its really good. I might write a review on it :D