View Full Version : Is 1z MP similer to AIO?

06-07-2005, 02:52 PM
Can MP be used as an alternative to AIO or to properly clean the paint should you go AIO and then MP.

Really I am looking to use MP as a base for 1z glans waz and would prefer to use MP rather than AIO


06-07-2005, 02:56 PM
1Z MP (professional or customer line) is a wonderful sub for AIO. :xyxthumbs

06-07-2005, 04:18 PM
Both AIO and MP work well with GW. Though I personally prefer MP (when used in conjunction with GW) . . . not sure how to best describe it, but visually the metallic flakes seem jump more from the finish. From a cleaning aspect, AIO is much more thorough. Either way, you can’t go wrong. Good luck :)

06-07-2005, 04:33 PM
GW was designed to go right on top of MP, so you don`t have anything to worry about.

That being said, I find that all sealants have a little bit more longevity when used after a good AIO cleaning, but that`s just my personal preference. Like the others already said, both will work great.

I don`t know if you`ve used GW already or not, but here`s a tip. Be sure to apply it as thin as possible. Almost to the point where it`s hard to see if you even have anything on the surface otherwise it can be a bit troublesome to remove.

Also, treat it like SG. Either remove it immediately or let it dry for at least 30 minutes before removing. It doesn`t like to come off during that inbetween curing stage.

06-07-2005, 04:36 PM
MP is a combination abrassive and chemical cleaner with a wax. IMO its better as a base for Glanz Wax as it removes swrils better than AIO because of the abrassives. I think it cleans better than AIO, but AIO has an acrylic protectant that probably last longer than MP. Since your using a Glanz Wax the extra protection will not matter.

06-07-2005, 11:19 PM
Many thanks guys

Mp it is then! I have obtained some spray bottles as when searching through some threads it recommeded misting the glans wax to get a thin coat and also help release some of the `carrier` solvents