View Full Version : Liquid Glass

06-05-2005, 06:00 PM
I was in Sears Hardware the other day and they had this stuff called Liquid Glass. Comes in a metal can, and sounds like technology developed around the time of the atom bomb. Anyway, anyone ever heard of this or used it? The instructions sounded scary. You had to remove it with 0000 steel wool once it had cured!

06-05-2005, 06:40 PM
It`s an "old-school sealant". Actually it`s not bad stuff, but it`s nothing great either. You can clean it off with solvents, no need for the steel wool.

Mallett Cars (`vette/CTS tuner in Berea Ohio) uses it under Souveran on the vehicles they tune. I didn`t let them use it on my C5 but they gave me a partial can to try out. Seemed to have some light abrasives in it, but otherwise it didn`t seem all that different from stuff like Autoglym`s SRP or Klasse AIO. But to be honest, I didn`t do enough with it to really give it a really fair evaluation.

IMO there are worse products you could choose when it comes to OTC stuff. LG with some carnauba over it looks pretty good, the vehicles Mallett used it on looked nice.

06-05-2005, 06:44 PM
Interesting reply. Thanks!

06-05-2005, 06:46 PM
I use it occasionaly and it works fine.

06-05-2005, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

It`s an "old-school sealant". Actually it`s not bad stuff, but it`s nothing great either. You can clean it off with solvents, no need for the steel wool.

LG is more durable than many current "new" tech products, and with proper prep, can be quite attractive. It is old tech, but still plugging away... I use it on my service vehicle... It is much less expensive than most "high end" sealants and looks great...:xyxthumbs

06-06-2005, 10:04 AM
I love this site for reasons like this. What I figured was 50 year old junk is getting some run for being a decent product. I just might have to try it out one of these days. Are any of their other products, like the vinyl protectant, worth trying out?

06-06-2005, 04:38 PM
I have Liquid Glass as part of my detailing arsenal. I have one client who wants me to use it as the LSP on their cars. I detail their cars around the 1st week of May and it still beads quite nicely when I do the late fall detail on their vehicles.

06-07-2005, 05:32 PM
LG is a decent product. Easy to use, looks good and lasts long. But a little too pricey for my taste. It`s priced up there at the high end and for the money there are alternatives that are better.

06-07-2005, 08:34 PM
I use it on the 2004 Silverado and am quite happy with the results.

Longevity is fine, the product can be layered, and a little goes a long ways. It appears I`ll get 6 to 8 full applications on a long bed pick-up out of one $17 can. Not too shabby.

The shine is fine for my purposes. What I truly want is maximum protection from the elements and I believe Liquid Glass is the best for this purpose.

Sure, other products can give more shine but will they repel the winter salt and summer bugs as well as the LG?

I also appreciate how easily tar, dirt, crud washes off, easier than with any of the several other products I`ve tried.

If used, ensure to follow the instructions on the can or at the LG Web site.

06-07-2005, 08:50 PM
obbop - you should consider trying Collinite. Its by far the longest lasting LSP in my arsenal, and I believe (would have to do comparo to be sure) that #915 Marque D`Elegance will outlast, outbead, outshine and otherwise outdo LG. Not to knock LG though, its up there with Klasse SG and Zaino as one of the longest lasting sealants.

06-07-2005, 08:57 PM
I have to second the collinite- the 845 has a glow i`ve not seen in a straight sealant

06-08-2005, 01:41 AM
A side note, Liquid Glass and Finish First polish apparently were poured from the same spigot.... What I liked about both of them was that they lasted so well, and also had a nice filling action.... Sometimes the old school products, while no Zaino SG or WG, have a niche that is economically and practically, hard to touch. I reserve the Zaino, etc- for certain apropriate vehicle types, and use other (still good) products for vehicles that they fit the bill for. As for the Collinite 845, I have heard nothing but good comments about the durability, especially. While not the easiest product to apply, ( LG is actually a 2 step product) LG is very durable and that is the niche factor that coupled with the gloss, makes it still retain good value.