View Full Version : Z question, searched no answer

06-05-2005, 08:36 AM
I`m still out trying to find a good product, but for now I am just asking some basic questions, hope it isn`t getting annoying.

Anyway, I noticed that with ZFX it says (zaino does) to limit the coats of z5 or z2 applyied over a 24 hour period to 3. Well I have a friend who put 5 coats of z5 then 5 coats of z2, with z6 between each coat and z8 over the whole thing, on his black e55. Needless to say it is absolutly amazing, but was this overkill/useless? 10 coats in about 8 hours or so, is it simply to much or is Zaino just being conservative in their directions?

06-05-2005, 09:38 AM
Sounds almost as insane as layering a carnuaba over and over in the same day or if this little pill the Doc prescribed works good, 2 pills will work even better. :rolleyes:

I believe Sal`s (Zaino`s) recommendation is based on science, the number of available crosslinking sites available for a structurally stable and durable structure.

Lastly, the gains (improvement) achieved beyond 3 coats in one day tends to level off after the 3rd coat.

3 layers looks better than 2 but the 4th,5th, 6th, and 7th additional layers looks the same. :nixweiss

06-05-2005, 10:08 AM
Then something comes to my mind as "Point of diminishing returns." There has got to be something extra from all those extra layers, but is it really worth it. I call it a day after 2 coats with ZFX on my car.

06-05-2005, 11:19 AM
I never put more than 3 coats of Zaino on my car at any time. I honestly don`t think the appearance will change much after 3 coats (law of diminishing returns).

The best appearance will be achieved by properly prepping the surface before applying Zaino.

06-05-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by JasonC8301

Then something comes to my mind as "Point of diminishing returns." There has got to be something extra from all those extra layers, but is it really worth it. I call it a day after 2 coats with ZFX on my car.

With Zaino, so far, while the returns seem to "diminish", you are adding durability in each step, in addition, the slickness continues to increase, but not at as noticeable (dramatic) a level. I have added layers and had friends notice an improvement where I have not as much. Looking at something very often sometimes makes it difficult to notice subtleties. It is up to the user if there is benefit to 6 or 60 coats ... :xyxthumbs

Back to the original post: I, for my own practice, would not layer the sealant too thickly just to ensure complete bonding. Just because a product dries, does not mean that it has fully and completely cured. But experimentaion is what I love .please let us all know how it works out down the line :xyxthumbs

06-05-2005, 03:21 PM
It seems to be working fine for his, you can set anything on it and it will slide off, bird crap beads up and slides off. Towels, the bottle of zaino, it all just slides off. It is very impressive and I think I will try AIO+Z2

But I think I will keep it at 3 coats:p

06-05-2005, 04:18 PM
I just recently cleaned up my wifes car and only mixed up enough Z for one coat as time didint permit. It Looks awesome with just one coat of Z2. I`ll appl a 2nd coat this week after a wash. I must also add that the slickness and reflectivenesss were much improved the next day. ( I assume after a cure period).

06-06-2005, 08:03 AM
at some point if you have too many layers on don`t you have to worry about a small stone chip cracking your 10-75 layers of Zaino :nixweiss that is if you actually have that many seperate layers or maybe you just have 1 thick layer:nixweiss -IMO after 2 or 3 why bother