View Full Version : Snow Bound and oh snow screwed

12-23-2004, 02:11 AM
Well, you`ve probably heard about all the snow we`re getting here in Ohio, especially here in SW Ohio. Well, it`s after 2:00 in the morning and I was just out waking up a few of the neighbors. Our awning and a couple others in our cirlce just came down. All this snow and then the freezing rain and sleet is getting way too heavy.

So anyway, it tore the siding off the house and came down on my wife`s car and my truck. I don`t think the SG is going to protect the paint from this.

No, no pictures.

Kind of takes the heart out of detailing when you get your vehicles so screwed up like this. Sheez, I can`t even move them until some heavy equipment comes in to take the awning off them. Not sure how they are going to manage that one.

Merry Christmas. Hope your`s is better than mine.

12-23-2004, 03:46 AM
Geez Kee! I`m sorry to hear this. I have tree branches down in the backyard but so far nothing that compares to your problems. I`m hoping the roof is strong enough to hold until next Monday/Tuesday when the weather warms up.
At my oldest daughter`s place of business they put her up in a hotel rather than have her drive home.

12-23-2004, 05:54 AM
Keeotee, sorry to hear about that especially being so close to the holidays.
But at least nobody was hurt, thats the important thing.

Was there any structural damage to the house or did the awning just pull off.
Just get your insurance company down there, so that you can have repairs made quickly, thats what we all pay premiums for.

Good luck to all our friends in the area who are getting hit by this rotten weather

I know it will be hard, but try to have a Happy Holiday.

12-23-2004, 08:12 AM
That Bites! We feel for you man. Let us know how this all comes out.


12-23-2004, 08:21 AM
Sorry to hear that Scott:( you can`t protect yourself against mother nature other than moving:nono ....go to Florida ..you get hurricanes:eek go tothe Southwest..unbearable heat... stay where you are ..snow:angry:
I think we should all move in with Zesty:D

12-23-2004, 10:58 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and words.

Here are some pics. I suppose the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is more than evident in this situation, although I won`t bother to post the thousand very choice words I`ve got for this snow storm.

12-23-2004, 11:34 AM
all i can say is ouch:boohoo

12-23-2004, 11:50 AM
We left Delaware for Ohio on Tuesday night. My parents live north of Columbus, and we have been getting pounded with snow. I`d say we have 16-18" easy.

12-23-2004, 01:18 PM
Holy cow, that is a lot of snow. Sorry for your discomfort. Just remember, it could be alot worse. In March 2003, I was nearly paralyzed from the waist down in a work accident. The blizzard hit Colorado. You should try to empty out a "leg bag catheter" or worse insert a mobile one in the dark with the power out. Very challenging indeed. Just got word that a friend from High School passed away on Monday at the age of 39. Things can always be worse. Merry Christmas! :jump :bigups

12-23-2004, 02:56 PM
Ouch Keeotee! Glad to hear that you`re okay, but that must be a pretty frustrating situation. :( Hope the insurance adjuster gives you a fair estimate. In the meantime, try to keep warm and dry.

Scott P
12-23-2004, 04:27 PM
At least nobody was hurt. Dents are easier to fix than people.

12-23-2004, 06:39 PM
Thanks again all. Yep, you are right gang - it could have been worse than it was. I think if any breakage occurred, it was only to my antenna (for certain) and maybe the wife`s side mirror - I think mine is ok and her`s probably is with these collapsable mirrors.

I think a good number of people in the park lost their carports. The answering machine at that park office filled up it`s memory with some people still trying yet. The one neighbor`s two doors down that came down appears to have worse damage to the house than we do. I`m really glad it didn`t bust out the daughter`s bedroom window or rip a whole in the side of the house. Christmas present wrapping paper just wouldn`t do for plugging it up!

My next house wil have a two car garage before it has running water - I`ll see to that!

The insurance company can`t get anyone out here before Tuesday - if they get here then - I hope. How soon a contractor can get out here to fix it I don`t know. I can get a rental for up to $20.00 a day too in the meantime. Probably a yugo! :) At least I`m covered. :brick

12-23-2004, 06:41 PM
That`s a real bummer anytime of the year!!!
Glad no one was hurt!!!!


12-23-2004, 06:57 PM
Sorry to hear that Scott:( you can`t protect yourself against mother nature other than moving:nono ....go to Florida ..you get hurricanes:eek go tothe Southwest..unbearable heat... stay where you are ..snow:angry:
I think we should all move in with Zesty:D

Sounds good to me, Steve!! I can be packed in short order - let`s see, I`ll need 6 crates for my detailing supplies & 1 suitcase for clothes & personal items :lol

Scott, I`m so sorry to read about this, especially at this time of year, but as the others have said, at least you & your family are ok.

Seems like our OH DC family is just not having a good winter:( Kinda like FL and the other east coasters in the fall with all the hurricanes :( I guess I`ll stop complaining about our summer heat now. :dunno

I hope that you and your family will still enjoy a good Christmas together, and best wishes for the New Year!