View Full Version : Portable lighting, what to use?

Crazy Quattro
05-30-2005, 01:20 AM
I seen some of you guys have spot lights showing on the paint for swirls. Is there a certain type of light you guys use for this?

I want somthing i can keep in the garage when detailing at night. :wavey

05-30-2005, 05:08 AM
check out any lowes or home depot for dual 500 watt halogen lights on an adjustable stand...work great for night and showing defects.

05-30-2005, 08:13 AM
The light Superior Shine mentioned here (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56064) is nice. I picked one up and have started using it for close up inspections. Here (http://www.webmasterp.com/gallery/momcar05/aar) is a picture of it next to my cell phone for size comparison.

Bill D
05-30-2005, 08:17 AM
Yes! I just got that light and if you do not have a good portable spot light, it is a good one. However, do not expect to have the color and power of a pair of xenon headlights in it. It`s a decent flashlight with the ability to switch from one to two beams being it`s most significant feature IMO.

It`s certainly no replacement for the fixed 1000 watt halogen tripod, the trouble lights and the 200 and 300 watt incandescents. rather, another more handy unit to drive you further over the edge while inspecting :o ;)

05-30-2005, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by perry

The light Superior Shine mentioned here (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56064) is nice. I picked one up and have started using it for close up inspections. Here (http://www.webmasterp.com/gallery/momcar05/aar) is a picture of it next to my cell phone for size comparison. I recently purchased the same light from Lowe`s Or HD, I can`t remember which, for 24.00. I really like it. I comes with charging equipment ot charge from 120V house current as well as a 12V car charging adaptor. It also lets you choose between dual or single beams. Excellent choice for us detail/ hobby people.