View Full Version : A bit disappointed with Zaino protection

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05-28-2005, 08:29 PM
Maybe next time I should apply 2 coats of Zaino! The one coat of Z2 Pro I put on obviously did not protect my CRV from all the elements as I had hoped. Seriously, never let a Dodge Ram 2500 Hemi pulling a flatbed full of commercial lawn mowers sneak up on you (at about 40mph) from behind while stopped at a red light. Apparently the driver of the Dodge had stayed up a bit late last night, as a witness said he was sleeping behind the wheel at the previous light and the guy actually dozed off and dropped his bottle of soda as he leaned against the trailer while the policeman was filling out his ticket. Talk about a jolt! I`ve got to give the little CRV a pat on the back for holding up as well as it did. My driver`s seat is completely bent back to the reclining postion and my cell phone flew out of my shirt pocket and out of the back window of the CRV onto the street. After the trip to the emergency room and xrays, my real pain will begin Tuesday when I have to start dealing with insurance companies. Too bad I recently sold my Vette, now I`m gonna have to find a way to work till I get this mess cleared up!




05-28-2005, 08:32 PM
If you find an LSP that can prevent this kind of damage please let me know...I`d never have to worry about door dings again.

On a serious note, I hope you are okay.

05-28-2005, 08:36 PM
Sorry to read what happen. Glad you are okay.

Since this guy was at fault, "his" insurance will provide you with replacement transportation until your vehicle is repaired. If your personal policy has this coverage they will also provide replacement vehicle and let them go after the other guys insurer.

Setec Astronomy
05-28-2005, 08:37 PM
I think you might have had better luck with the Z5, since it`s the one recommended for swirls.

05-28-2005, 08:44 PM
Tomorrow (Sunday) is our 25th wedding anniversary party at our home. I think I`m gonna tell the wife that the huge diamond ring I bought her must have flown out the window with my cell phone, so she`ll just have to settle for the lovely card I got her!

05-28-2005, 09:07 PM
Sorry to hear this. Perhaps you might want to make the switch to Turtle Wax for that "Hard Shell Finish". lol

05-28-2005, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by dlw

Tomorrow (Sunday) is our 25th wedding anniversary party at our home. I think I`m gonna tell the wife that the huge diamond ring I bought her must have flown out the window with my cell phone, so she`ll just have to settle for the lovely card I got her!

Congratulations on the 25th wedding anniversary. :woot:

05-28-2005, 10:38 PM
I just don`t get you people always bashing Z. The same thing happened to me and when I washed my car it looked like it just came off the lot. Maybe you applied it wrong, lol.

05-29-2005, 09:29 AM
Looks like you used NXT to me.... limited durability problems , it looks like. Seriously, I hope you are OK.:xyxthumbs

05-29-2005, 09:36 AM
All you need is some touch up paint, wet sand, and polish. Then re-apply some Zaino, and voila you get a..............

shiny dent..........sorry to hear that, glad you`re ok.

05-29-2005, 10:16 AM
Glad to hear your okay.

Of course, if you had some Autoglym and Blitz the car would have been so slick and no damage would have been visiable :)

Good luck with getting everything fixed :xyxthumbs

05-29-2005, 11:23 AM
I admire yer sense of humor, being able to joke about it like that. Nice teaser subject line, too, about Z protection. Glad you weren`t injured. Hopefully the other driver had good insurance (unlike the person who clobbered my old Impala.)

I hope the line about the diamond ring flying out the window works for you (though I wouldn`t bet the mortgage on it.)

What part of big O is that? (I used to live in Papillion.)

Happy Anniversary!

05-29-2005, 12:15 PM
rayvenn - happened at about 123 & Pacific (right at the light to turn into the country club). I went out this morning to go to Sears and check to see if they still carriied the Dunlop tires I had on my CRV. I took my son`s `93 Prelude Vtec and I swear it`s true, on the way home, I looked in my rear view and right behind me was the dreaded dark gray Dodge Ram with the smashed in front end! Deja Vue to the max! I think the guy was probably out hitting the job early since he`s gonna have higher insurance premiums for sure...Couldn`t make out the driver to see if it was the same guy, but it was definately the same truck with the same giant trailer and mower. "Small world" is the term coming to mind.

05-29-2005, 12:38 PM
I too was disappointed when someone tried to lean up against my car`s fender, planted their hand, and then it slid off, the fella fell and hit his head on my driveway.. i told him i guess it was too soft and slick. heh heh

05-29-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by dlw

rayvenn - happened at about 123 & Pacific ...

on the way home, I looked in my rear view and right behind me was the dreaded dark gray Dodge Ram with the smashed in front end! Deja Vue to the max...

Ow. Need the Twilight Zone creepy music for that one. Weird.

I think I would take an alternate route for a while.

On a more serious note, glad you weren`t hurt, and I hope the paperwork mill runs smoothly.

I was in Tara Heights in Papio .. and also in Willow Springs, closer to Offutt.