View Full Version : Another option for masking while using rotary

Bill D
05-28-2005, 07:58 AM
I just stumbled upon this product (http://www.evercoat.com/productDetail.aspx).

It seems to be similar to those Bug Guard type spray on "masks" for temporary use.

This might be good for areas ( I see they indicate tires and wheel wells) that just need protection from rotary sling rather than possibility being burned as well.

If you don`t mind rinsing off the car when the job`s done, this just might be an attractive option.

05-28-2005, 08:27 AM
Thanks for the link Bill. Did you see the Car Cover Masking System? It looks like it would be great for covering windows and wiper blades. I just started working with a rotary yesterday (my first time with one) and covered my windows and wiper arms with some old towels:) and taped off the trim. It appears that they are also the makers for clay magic.

05-28-2005, 08:44 AM
Likwid Mask (http://www.evercoat.com/productDetail.aspx)

Wow that stuff looks great. I have a HORRIBLE time with sling. Anyone use it yet?

It looks like we`d have to buy a case of four gallons. Anyone want to go in on it? I sure would love to introduce this product to Autopia followed by a great write up.

I hate masking and sling. I love spray on rinse off stuff.

I see POTENTIAL with this one....

PM me if you want in. I`ll set it up.

Bill D
05-28-2005, 09:03 AM
You don`t necessarily have to buy a case only. Check Ebay right now as well as auto body supply sites if not your local PBE store.

I`m going to keep this option in mind and check locally first.

That masking system looks similar to the plastic Horseless Carriage uses to separate cars parks on deck above others in their trucks.