View Full Version : Info on newer T-Bird paint wanted

05-26-2005, 07:02 AM
I have been approached by a fellow that owns a newer T-Bird convert and its got a lot of light swirling . His first question to me was what can *I* put on it to stop the swirling etc.

I explained to him that no one can put anything on it to do that . He informed me that the Ford dealer said they could apply something for $800 and he would never have to wax again and it was guaranteed 2 years .. So I guess never = 2 years .. I asked if the guarantee was against swirling .. and were they going to polish the current ones out or apply it over them .. He didn`t know ..

I was up front with him .. *NO* wax/sealant is going to prevent swirls .. .. and I siad you must be washing it with a brush .. answer = Yes.. soft brush ..

I gave him a price to buff it out and I went high .. and told him that I can guarantee it will be shiny till his first brush wash ..

Also informed him of the correct wash/dry methods etc etc ..

Anyway .. how is the Newer Ford clear for buffing out swirling? Hard or soft clear? .. Car is red ..


05-28-2005, 07:01 AM
Bump.. no one have experience with one?