View Full Version : Restoring buguards **pics**

05-25-2005, 04:16 PM
Almost every truck or suv i come across that is a few years old and has a buguard that has been on for any amount of time seems to be completely beat up. Here is what i do to bring them back to new looking.

Products used:

2000 grit sand paper

Meguiards DACP (dual action cleaner polish)

Klasse AIO

Makita 9227 rotary buffer

Edge 2000 medium cut and polishing pad


I soaked the sand paper in soapy water for about 20 minutes then proceeded to wetsand the guard. Since there is no clearcoat, i wasn`t worried about going "too" deep. After a few passes, i took a towel and wiped dry to look for anymore imperfections. The surface was very smooth but obviously very dull. I then proceeded to use DACP and my rotary with a medium cut pad to polish it out. After the shine was restored, i used Klasse AIO with a polishing pad on my rotary to finish it off and give a little protection.

Here are the pics. I`ve done this to a few guards and all of them come out looking new. Enjoy!

Before anything:



After wetsanding:


After everything:



thanks for looking, hope this helps some of you guys out a little. I believe this definately could be done by PC or by hand if you have the patience.


05-25-2005, 04:48 PM
That looks great!

05-25-2005, 05:20 PM
looks good. I was just going to ask what people use on bug guards. Thanks!

05-25-2005, 05:34 PM
ruffryder- thanks

STBear- yeah, i really like this method. its fast and very effective.


05-25-2005, 10:25 PM
Vdog, have you wetsanded any cars yet(the whole car)? If so how did it come out?

05-26-2005, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by grt1today

Vdog, have you wetsanded any cars yet(the whole car)? If so how did it come out?

i did this weekend actually. I have some wetsanding experience and so far everytime has turned out successful. I just follow the guidelines that everyone talks about it and take my time and it works good. i will have pics up next week of the car i wetsanded last weekend.


05-26-2005, 10:29 AM
Cool, can`t wait to see it. I will look for the thread :xyxthumbs ...