View Full Version : WAUD vs. Quick Detail spray

05-24-2005, 07:20 PM
Let me just say that lately I`ve been using WAUD after every wash instead of a quick detail spray, and have been loving the results... I`ve been experimenting with the WAUD against S&G, Meg`s FD and a few others...

- Is it safe to use WAUD this often in replacement of the QD, and does it offer any protection?

- Also I bought some AA tire foam for the wheel wells today, and was slightly disappointed, it really didn`t shoot far enough in to do the whole well, what it did cover looked good with no wiping needed. But, far from perfect. Meg`s Hot tire spray works good, but it takes a lot and is expensive... I know this has been covered before and I`ve read alot of the old posts, but is there a better way? I remember someone saying they mixed AA and water but how did you apply it, and then I presume there is still wiping?

05-24-2005, 07:46 PM
I use a bunch of old crap (Turtle Wax 2001 protectant, Der Shiney Stuff (god only knows what era thats from), der tire stuff, Black Magic tire wet, pretty much anything else I don`t use) cut 50/50 with water, it works well enough, and it`s free. If you don`t have a basement full of car stuff you don`t use anoymore, just try to get the biggest jugs of dressing you can find, and mix it 5050 with water.

That said, if I had money to burn, I`d use Mother`s Reflections tire care. I just don`t see the need to use 7 dollar a bottle shine on a part of the car that the average person doesn`t notice.