View Full Version : Is this locally available system cheaper than CRSpotless

05-24-2005, 06:10 PM
In another post I mentioned that the place where I work uses DI-water in the manufactuering process but we have tanks and not cartridges.

I spoke with the sales manager from the supplier and he said he could hook me up with a 8" dia x 18" H setup (two tanks of course) which is estimated to process 1000 gallons.

It would cost me $10.00 a month or $120 per year to rent the tanks and $45.00 to get the tanks recharged (swapped out).

They come connected up for water supply/output and have that electronic thingy on it to tell you when the tanks should be replaced.

With my Karcher 1.6 GPM PW I use about 15 to 25 gallons of water per wash (depending on how much time I spend on the wheels/wells).

Can someone help we with the numbers to figure out which system is cheaper to use over the course of a year?


05-24-2005, 07:14 PM
Can`t you get water from work ? Use your DI water for raising only and you`ll save water. You should be able to raise a full size car in 10 mins and thats probably more then enough time .

05-24-2005, 07:19 PM
I probaly could, if I had a pickup truck to get the water tanks back and forth. We process 1000`s of gallons a week of DI water. Don`t think they`d miss a measly 25 gallons.

But the tanks are hooked up to different "lines" on the shop floor during the manufacturing process which I know nothing about. I just run the network. I don`t want to be unhooking things.

Setec Astronomy
05-24-2005, 08:34 PM
That`s a really good price for a mixed-bed system. It just sounds a little small on resin area...make sure it will output the quality water you want. A mixed bed should be able to give you million-ohm resistivity when it`s freshly recharged, usually with a 50,000-ohm indicator light. I`m not sure what CRSpotless guarantees.

Matt M, PA
05-25-2005, 09:44 AM
Morbid...it may be cheaper per gallon your way. I`m guessing .17 per gallon. When I got my CR system, I figured it to be .28 per gallon after the unit itself is paid for. I find it hard to believe that tanks that size will produce that much correctly filtered water. I mean, my CR 300 unit has 2 tanks that are 5x20 and do 300 gallons collectively. I`d have to see what the resistivity meter is looking for to actually offer a water quality comparison. (But heck...I`m just a layman with this thing)

One other thing. If you are estimating that you use 25 gallons per wash...that would equate to somthing like 16 minutes of constant spray...that can`t be the case..can it?

05-25-2005, 04:29 PM
Matt M, PA

I`ve been talking about that 1000 gallon thing in another post with someone who has some experience and he doubt`s it too.

I called the sales manager up at the place where I`m going to rent from and he said that 1000 gallons was a guess using the larger tanks they sell (we have those at the shop almost 5` tall) as a reference since they sell mostly those.

No I don`t use the whole 25 gallons on each wash, maybe a 1/4 of that but it depends.

My Audi A4 has some funky matting in the rear wheel wheels that`s a b*tch to clean. If you spray any soap on them it takes forever (alot of water) to get the soap out. But s*it sticks to them like you wouldn`t believe (grass, salt, dirt)

I also do the undercarriage and wheels each wash but my biggest probelm is where I work the parking lots are un-paved and there`s a truck depot next door and they`re parking lot is unpaved too so it takes only a couple of days for the car to get caked in gravely dirt/dust that gets in every nook and cranny.

So I have to initially rinse the car really good before ever putting a mitt to it. I guess with a black car I`m too paranoid of scratches.

Any way they are going to drop off that system for me next Tuesday on thier next schedule visit to the plant. I don`t have to pay anything up front ($45.00 isn`t due till I get the tanks regenerated) and the 10.00 rent is due after each 30 days.

I`m thinking I should be able to get the same amount of gallons processed at least as the DI300.

The Big Kahuna
05-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by MorBid

my biggest probelm is where I work the parking lots are un-paved and there`s a truck depot next door and they`re parking lot is unpaved too so it takes only a couple of days for the car to get caked in gravely dirt/dust that gets in every nook and cranny.

:shocked :eek: :shocked :eek: Wow, I get upset parking on the street.

05-26-2005, 08:35 PM
Yes it`s nasty buisness. Nasty business indeed.