View Full Version : Which 1 step should i use?

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05-22-2005, 11:39 PM
Hey guys, my pastor and his wife are out of town and they had my sister and I house sit a few days. Their cars are sitting out in the driveway and they never wash or wax them. They have done a lot for our family so i thought I could wash their cars. Then I wanted to wax them with a 1 step since I don`t have enough time to do a whole detail. The cars` paint aren`t oxidized but a little swirled so I was wondering which 1 step would do the best in providing a good look that would at least last a month. What I have are the following 1 steps: NXT, old Gold Class paste, Mother`s cleaner wax, Colorx, Zymol cleaner wax, E1 nanowax, and AIO. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Also where would I be able to find a good otc bug scrubber, I saw some at walmart but they seem a tad bit rough. thanks.

05-23-2005, 05:31 AM

Hey, that`s a fantastic thing your doing for your Pastor & his wife...

You can go for the longest protection for their cars = AIO

or the great "all-rounders" in Mothers cleaner wax & ColorX

or good protection with a great look = NXT

or mix them up, dependent on the cars colours!!!

any of those will do the job, the choice is yours.... whatever you use I am sure they will really appreciate it.

best wishes 2 ya...


05-23-2005, 05:49 AM
Klasse All In One. Hands down.

BTW, I wouldn`t even mention the work... :)


05-23-2005, 06:25 AM
Klasse AIO gets my vote.

05-23-2005, 07:59 AM
Depends on how bad the swirls are and the color of the paint, IMHO.

Normally, I`d say AIO but that sure won`t hide any defects. Since you`re limited to 1 step, if the car is a darker color, I`d go with NXT as it has some hiding properties and tends to deepen the color of darker paints.

If the car is a light metallic color, AIO would proably be best as it`s cleaning and durability is excellent and the metallic should hide a lot of the defects.

05-24-2005, 08:52 PM
ok, I think I`m going to use AIO on the red Cavalier and ColorX on the blue Safari since it has rotary swirls from the ised car dealer and the AIO might highlight the swirls. then I`m going to top the Safari with NXT and the Cavalier with maybe meg`s #26 if not then it will also get NXT. and I`m going to do the Colorx and AIO with a PC. how does that sound? I know I said one step at first but I wanted to leave the cars with a deeper shine. also does anyone know how long does the Colorx by itself? how about AIO?

05-24-2005, 08:58 PM
If you`re going to use AIO on PC how much do you have to put on the pad? I was afraid to put too much on there, but I found that without enough I was getting micro marring from the blue Propel pad I was using. Was I dry buffing?

05-24-2005, 10:55 PM
i can`t answer your question very well but i think you need to prime your pad with either distilled water or a quick detailer. i`m sure someone else can give you a better answer.

05-24-2005, 11:39 PM
AIO or NXT. If you can find Long Haul`s Polish/Wax that also works very well.

tom p.
05-25-2005, 05:51 AM
I am trying this LH product:


It seems good so far but time is always the final judge.

Liquid Lustre has been one of my favorite 1 step products.

AIO doesn`t work well as a standalone. I find the protections fades within a few very short weeks. :(


05-25-2005, 06:27 AM
AIO or Autoglym Super resin for any one steppers here.

05-25-2005, 09:35 AM
Tropi-Care TC-3




05-25-2005, 04:57 PM
i did the wash and wax today. ended up using just NXT on the red cavalier and that turned out pretty good. and I used colorx on the blue van and it did a pretty good job, and i lied the van ended up having light oxidation so the colorx kind of took care of that. any ways, i`m interested in the long haul stuff. where can i usually find it?

05-25-2005, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by tom p.

AIO doesn`t work well as a standalone. I find the protections fades within a few very short weeks. :(


I agree I dont get 2 weeks out of AIO by itself..:nixweiss

06-05-2005, 07:13 AM
do we use long haul polish/wax with a green polishing pad?