View Full Version : Anything wrong with using a plain old MF towel for washing?

05-21-2005, 10:07 PM
I notice the endless debates on what the best wash method is. Chenille or Wool mitt. This one causes swirls, that one doesn`t. If you throw in the different brands, there are a lot of choices to make. I have always used a wash cloth sized MF towel from Pak Shak. Is there anything wrong with this?

Setec Astronomy
05-21-2005, 10:26 PM
I have done this with QEW, and I liked it. I bought some of the Meg`s QD sponges (the ones with the [what they call] plush MF on the outside) to try as wash sponges, which I haven`t yet. My friend Jr. has been using the similar Z-Wipes microfiber sponge.

05-21-2005, 10:34 PM
I also do that with QEW when I use it, which isnt often. Still doesnt sit with me, I like to be able to flush the car with water.

05-21-2005, 10:50 PM
I use WCD MFs for washing/drying with QEW. Otherwise I use a MF mitt from Excel to wash the car in the normal method, and an Excel WW to dry.

05-21-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by White95Max

I use WCD MFs for washing/drying with QEW. Otherwise I use a MF mitt from Excel to wash the car in the normal method, and an Excel WW to dry.

Why the mitt as opposed to a cloth? Less likely to drop the mitt? I have a Pak Shak MF mitt, but I don`t like the way there is a divider inside the seperates your fingers into a "Spock" type of arrangement. It`s been demoted to grunge duty.

I`m almost embarassed to ask this question, but does it matter which side of the MF is used? One side has what looks like longer fibers and the other side is a tighter weave. Any difference?

05-21-2005, 10:59 PM
I like the mitt because it`s impossible to drop, and it`s easy to rinse it clean in the wash bucket.

I also keep anything used for washing separate from the rest of my MF stuff. If it touches dirt, it doesn`t touch clean paint that has just been polished.

I have green towels for QEWing, and blue towels for exterior detailing. The blue ones ONLY touch clean paint.

Then I have yellow MFs that are ONLY used for interiors, with a couple green ones marked with "G" on them, noting that they are for glass ONLY.

Maybe I`m TOO organized? :)

Setec Astronomy
05-21-2005, 11:32 PM
That`s a good system, Maxy. The problem will be when you go to buy more of one of the towels and they have changed the color or discontinued...but it`s still a good idea. I just used one of those QEW towels for S&W`ing some pollen...and got some micromarring....dunno if there was too much accumulation or some stray grit from a winter QEW wash...