View Full Version : need a quick answer!

05-21-2005, 09:45 AM
im gonna do this soon so i need a quick answer.

i have a tan car that u cannot see swirls at all on unless ur in a direct beam of sun, which isnt really a problem to me. so i ruled out using 83 because i think its too aggressive. will 80 with a sonus green pad take care of most of the paint? i basically just want more reflections because its never been polished, so the swirls arent a huge problem, that y i avoided DACP. im guessin theres very minor oxidation so i will probably follow the 80 with some AIO. does this sound like it will help bring out the paint more?

if u really need to see the paint its on my cardomain page in the sig. its a forgiving color but i want to clean it up a bit.

05-21-2005, 09:53 AM
80 has fillers and will lightly cut whatever oxidation is there but will mostly fill in the swirls. without seeing pics, its hard to give you an accurate suggestion. any polish at all on a car that doesn`t get polished will yield some sort of results though.


05-21-2005, 10:42 AM
theres a pic attached, maybe i should use dacp, really dont know

Eliot Ness
05-21-2005, 10:58 AM
I`d clay the paint first and then try the #80. Can`t really tell from your pics about the swirls, but if #80 does the job to your satisfaction then great. If not, then you can try DACP (follow-up with #80). AIO will remove the polishing oils left behind by #80..... follow AIO with a good wax/sealer if the paint meets your standards.

Remember to always start out with the least aggressive polish/pad combo and then step up only if needed. With that statement in mind your decision to use #80 before #83 (DACP) is a good one.

05-21-2005, 11:04 AM
Just do a 2x2 section first. Work with it until you have the desired results. Use as many products as you have avilable to define what looks best and satisfies you most.


Eliot Ness
05-21-2005, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by J.J.

Just do a 2x2 section first. Work with it until you have the desired results. Use as many products as you have avilable to define what looks best and satisfies you most......

This suggestion from J.J. is a good one that I should have also mentioned. Just do a small section or maybe one panel and then inspect it.

Too often new members have posted that they have polished and waxed/sealed the whole car before pulling it out in the sun (or under harsh lighting) and then saw lots of swirls (or hazing). By only doing a small section or one panel first you won`t waste all that time and have to start over!

05-21-2005, 01:07 PM
alrite thank u everyone. i really cant see swirls in this color thats how lucky i am so im thinking ill just hit it with the 80, no need for 83. thanx for the help

05-21-2005, 01:45 PM
I agree with Eliot & J.J.