View Full Version : I Hate Retail

12-19-2004, 10:12 PM
I hate retail sales as a profession. I was scheduled the past two weeks to work 63 hours. I am also in High School. Does this sound like torture/masochism to anyone else. It`s like $400 for the pay period, but holy crap, I don`t want Detailing stuff that bad (close, but that`s a lot of work). 4 days of closing at 11:00, waking up at 5:30 the next morning, Going to school, coming home, building a bridge out of spaghetti that could hold my weight, and then going to work and starting the process all over again is killing me. I`ve got no time to detail. Does anyone else find this exessive?

12-19-2004, 10:16 PM
It`s holiday season and retail is hard and long..but by New Years it`ll all be over...if you think it`s bad now, wait for the after Christmas returns fun:eek

12-19-2004, 10:23 PM
Thank God I just sell the stuff, we have up to three people accepting returns for the largest Best Buy in the Northwest Region. Still, it`s like school doesn`t exist. Can`t wait till spring where I can make three times as much detailing.

12-19-2004, 11:01 PM
I remember that spaghetti bridge!!!

About the retail though, I know what you`re saying. It can be a real PITA. I remember working in Nautica Clothing Outlet and ALWAYS folding clothes, greeting people, etc. It got old real fast with the long days and monotonous work.

Good Luck!