View Full Version : Bird Bombs at Work

05-19-2005, 02:50 PM
I went to get some lunch today and noticed a white trail running from the top of my cab all the way down my truck. Is there anything I should do about this before I get home? The only thing here at the office would be water and paper towels.

Bill D
05-19-2005, 02:56 PM
Any isopropyl alcohol ( rubbing alcohol) around? Gently with some tissues, blot all the bombs with it and let it sit for a few minutes. You could then follow up with a MF. If you don`t have at least some MFs in your truck at all times start carrying them tomorrow.

05-19-2005, 03:02 PM
I`ll definately do that. Thanks a lot.

the other pc
05-19-2005, 04:10 PM
Do not rub any paper-based products on your paint. They will scratch. Just blotting or dabbing may be theoretically possible but I don`t trust myself that much.

If you rinse it with water you`re better off than just leaving it. I always have sport-top bottled water in my car and if you squeeze them hard you get a pretty good stream. It does a good job if the splat isn`t too dry.

Like Bill D said, when you get a chance toss a microfiber towel (or two or three or...) in the car for the next time.


05-19-2005, 04:32 PM
I know your pain I went to lunch and a bird had dropped it luggage on my rear fender, all over the tire and also on the tire itself:( ! Luckily I had my bird sh** remover from Poorboys and a MF and cleaned it off. I had to break it up alittle with my nail since the hot sun had already dried it out. It was like liquid cement:p ! Bill or anyone do you think BS remover gets it totally clean or should I still use alcohol on that spot?

05-19-2005, 04:57 PM
I have always used some QD and a mf. I just hose on the qd rather much, let it sit for a min or more, depending on how baked it looked, and then sprized once more before wiping gently. This has worked for me for some of the nastiest bombs. Bird poo looks bad on black, but it really looks sick on clean white, where it shows all the glory of the droppings quite well.

05-19-2005, 06:05 PM
Don`t forget to spray your handy window cleaner on it to get out any etching caused by the droppings, especially if you have a dark car.

Bill D
05-19-2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by true blue blood

I know your pain I went to lunch and a bird had dropped it luggage on my rear fender, all over the tire and also on the tire itself:( ! Luckily I had my bird sh** remover from Poorboys and a MF and cleaned it off. I had to break it up alittle with my nail since the hot sun had already dried it out. It was like liquid cement:p ! Bill or anyone do you think BS remover gets it totally clean or should I still use alcohol on that spot?

I have no idea if the product has isopropyl alcohol content. If it does, sounds like it does well following the claim that isopropyl alcohol can dry and "lift out" the acid in the crap. I`m also abiding by the claim that even when the bird crap itself is removed, without neutralizing its acid, (using the isopropyl alcohol first) it can continue to etch once re exposed to water and heat: this is particularly potential bad news for dark colored cars in summer.

05-19-2005, 06:41 PM
Sparkling water will get that stuff off with out rubbing hard. It might be the CO2 but it works.

Bill D
05-19-2005, 06:47 PM
That was concern of mine. Look here (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32973&highlight=valid) It also doesn`t address the acid concern and if that claim is valid, could actually contribute to accelerated etching in the presence of heat.