View Full Version : Pad for 1z

05-19-2005, 07:12 AM
Hi All,

I just tried Lackfinish on my car and liked it very much. It left a slick and glossy finish on my car. Car has Menzerna FMJ on it.

I liked the 1z so much, I purchased the Glanz and Perl shampoo, the Glanz Wax, Metallic Polish, and WaxPolish Soft. My plan is to compare Metallic and WaxPolish Soft. I will top either with Glanz Wax and see how that compares to FTG and FMJ.

My initial plan was to apply Metallic by hand with a foam pad. Now I am thinking of applying it with my PC. If I go the PC route, would a Meguiars finishing pad be OK to apply Metallic?


Rich Maurin

05-19-2005, 10:24 AM
You could use either a finishing or a polishing pad (assuming your paint isn`t so soft that a polishing pad can micromar it). The Metallic and the WPS work fine for me either way.

I think you`ll find the the MP and the WPS to be very similar, assuming you bought the consumer (pink) version of MP.

Oh, just had another thought- depending on how recently you did the FMJ, you might find the MP/WPS have a little trouble cutting through it. WPS was a bit mild when I used it (by PC) on top of still-OK Collinite. You might consider doing something (a polish/paint cleaner or an alcohol spritz) to remove the FMJ first.

05-19-2005, 10:52 AM
Thanks Accumulator.

Curious if you prefer MP over WPS?? Any differences in the way they look by themselves and when they are topped with Glanz Wax?


05-19-2005, 11:21 AM
Actually, I`ve only played around with the WPS, so I can`t really give it a fair, informed evaluation. I like the Pro version of MP a lot better than the consumer stuff, but I only use it (regularly) on one car (silver Audi). I will say that the Pro MP topped with UPP gives that car a better look than I`ve ever achieved in maybe 15 years of working on Audi silver.

So I can`t really compare the two and I don`t use GW at all. Sorry I couldn`t be of more help with this.

05-19-2005, 11:43 AM
Thanks Accumulator.

That was very helpful.

I will try the Glanz and then...I will try UPP on MP and on WPS. Nice to know that combo works for silver. Maybe I may like it on red.


05-19-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by rmaurin

...I will try UPP on MP and on WPS. Nice to know that combo works for silver.

You might have bonding issues with the WPS and the consumer version of MP due to their wax content. I had some issues with consumer MP topped with UPP. No such problems with Pro MP/UPP though.

05-19-2005, 12:29 PM
Oh...I see what you are saying now. I did not realize that there is a pro version of Metallic polish. Too many 1z permutations.

Good to know about the potential bonding issues.

The DHL person just delivered my order. I may try it out now :)



05-19-2005, 01:15 PM
MP has very light abrassives in it so I would use a polishing pad. WPS as described on their site seems more of a LSP with some light cleaning (chemical) properties ie like NXT. I would probably use the finishing pad for it. MP and WPS has lots of carnuba wax in it so you can`t put a selant over it unless it has some cleaners like Reflection or NXT or their Glanz Wax. You can put any carnuba LSP over it. I like 1Z polishes like pro MP and PP, but I have never used their LSPs.

05-19-2005, 01:32 PM
Thanks jetskie.


05-20-2005, 09:29 AM
I apply MP with a polishing (white ) pad, but you can also do it by hand with a terry or foam applicator. It is very easy to spread, so I personally don`t think you really need to do it by machine. You`ll find that it also has excellent filling properties, so it seems like a shame to remove it right away with Glanz. What I usually do is wait till the next wash (when it`s pretty well gone, in my experience) and apply the Glanz then. MP looks great for up to several weeks, but it`s durability is poor. It`s also easier to apply Glanz evenly after the MP is gone.

05-20-2005, 09:41 AM
Hi percynjpn,

Thanks for the reply.

I applied MP and Glanz yesterday on my car. I did this all by hand.

The MP looks great. Gave the car a rich and wet look. It did fill in some marks on the car as you mentioned. I was very satisfied what the finish and could have stopped right there.

Then I applied Glanz. Glanz may have disolved some of the fillers that MP left behind and moved them around. I still cant see any of the defects that MP hid once I applied Glanz. Glanz gave the paint a glossier look.

I really like the 1z products. I am trying WaxPolish Soft next. I also have Lackfinish, Perls and Glanz shampoo.


05-20-2005, 10:04 AM
Glad it worked out well, Rich!

The Glanz should give you up to about 4 months, in my experience. Give the Lackfinish a try after the next wash (spray on while still wet) - you`ll love it! If you apply it to dry paint, you should cut it 50-50 with water; otherwise it can cause streaking - it`s VERY concentrated.:)

05-20-2005, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by rmaurin

... I still cant see any of the defects that MP hid once I applied Glanz. Glanz gave the paint a glossier look.

Interesting, I`d been wondering if the GW would make flaws "reappear".

05-20-2005, 01:08 PM
I think all it may have done was to re-liquify the MP and mix together as I spread Glanz Wax around. I am not sure what else could have happened to the MP. I bet it just settled back in to the defects.

Car does look good though whatever happened :)


05-20-2005, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by rmaurin

Car does look good though whatever happened..

That`s what counts :xyxthumbs