View Full Version : Confused about ZFX

05-16-2005, 06:46 PM
I`m going to start my Zaino process in a few days and I have been running it over in my head. I have not used the ZFX before so I`m a little confused on how often I have to use this stuff.

After the prep, I`m going to apply a few coats of Z5 with ZFX. I`ll start with an ounce (half the supplied ZFX bottle) with 4-5 drops of ZFX (this may not be the recommended amount, I`m going from memory. Whatever the recommended dosage is here).

I`m going to probably do two or three coats of the Z5 back to back as my car is dark blue. I understand that three coats is the most you should do in a 24 hour period. I will wait at least 24 hours and then apply three layers of Z2Pro back to back. Do I have to use the ZFX again with the application of the Z2Pro in this fashion? After I get these initial layers on, how often do I have to ZFX (say I want to add a layer of Z2Pro every couple of weeks, just for kicks?)

05-16-2005, 06:49 PM
i believe you have to use ZFX for every coat if you plan on wiping it off immediatley after it hazes over

otherwise you would have to wait after each coat to apply a second layer

i may be wrong. i just use ZFX everytime

05-16-2005, 07:02 PM
If you want to apply multiple coats of Zaino in one day you need to use ZFX.

Some of the more experienced Zaino users will chime in on how much ZFX you need to use per ounce.

05-16-2005, 07:10 PM
The ZFX is used to add multple layers as stated previously, however, later, if you are just going to apply a single layer it is not absolutely nessesary to add ZFX for that one layer. The ZFX is an accelerant for curing, I use it in each application just for my own personal preferences.

05-16-2005, 07:10 PM
if 1 ounce, i`d do 2-3 drops max. The 4-5 I`ve found works better for the full 2oz bottle.

Regardless of how many coats, put the first coat on nice and THIN.. almost invisible on light coloured cars and enjoy that intoxicating smell ..Mmmmmm .. There are those who wait 24 hours, before the next coat, i normally wait no more than 12 hours.. and i`ve achieved pretty good results.

zfx is really only used for the 1st initial coat. After that, I use z2 pro straight from the bottle. But if its get cold, then i use it as it helps speed up drying time.

In between coats, be sure to hit it with z6 or z8 ..

i hope this has helped.. feel free to see my results in the link below..


05-16-2005, 07:29 PM
I use ZFX with each coat.