View Full Version : Detailer`s Pride (DP) Waterless Wash

05-16-2005, 06:18 PM
Got my order of free (paid for shipping) DP samples today, but only 2 different products. 2 bottles of the Waterless Auto Wash and the Premium Surface Shield. I like PB`s Spray & Wipe, so I wasn`t too disappointed because I figured I`d use the DP Waterless Auto Wash, but would have liked to try 3 different products. Oh well.

I tried the Waterless Wash on my car and my mom`s car already.

Since this was a sample size, I have no idea what kind of sprayer will come with the real deal. Both my sample bottles have small pump sprayers with plastic caps. The label is nice enough with some warnings and simple directions. Not real big in to smelling products, so...

On Mom`s car, I did half the hood w/ the DP WAW and the other half with PB S&W. Used different towels, but the same kind, on both halves. I could see dirt (pollen?!) on the towels, so the DP WAW was obviously cleaning, but how good? I got out a white towel and sprayed the DP WW side down with PB S&W and wiped. Towel came clean. Sprayed the PB S&W side down w/ DP WW and the towel was still clean. I did that thinking that one product may leave something behind that the other would pick up. So I guess they both do a similar job at cleaning.

But the PB S&W side was noticably slicker. Just to make sure there wasn`t some difference in protection, I sprayed part of the DP WAW side with PB S&W and wiped off. As I ran my finger down the hood I could most definitely feel where the S&W had been applied. The DP WAW bottle says that it doesn`t have any wax, but PB claims the same about S&W, so I`m not sure what the deal is.

I did my car first, but didn`t think to do panels half & half until after I was done. But I did the roof and trunk deck w/ DP WAW and my hood w/ PB S&W. Again, the PB S&W felt noticably slicker. I intentionally used what I thought would be too much of the DP WAW and it seemed to leave streaks when I looked at the roof at a sharp angle. So it was too much, and I guess that shows that less is more. Seemed to do a good enough job of cleaning my windshield.

I`m not sure what my hang-up is on the slick feeling of the product.. I guess I think that the slicker product will be more gentle in removing the dust and crap from the paint and have a lesser chance of causing swirls. No scientific evidence to back this up, it`s just how I feel.

I`ll be sticking with PB S&W for my needs. Anyone else get the DP Waterless Wash and try it out? Whatta ya think?

edited for some of the typos ;)

05-16-2005, 06:42 PM
I`m not sure what my hang-up is on the slick feeling of the product.. I guess I think that the slicker product will be more gentle in removing the dust and crap from the paint and have a lesser chancing of causing swirls. No scientific evidence to back this up, it`s just how I feel.

I`ve got the same hang up :up

05-16-2005, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by jeff5614

I`ve got the same hang up :up

Good! I`m not the only crazy one! :woot2: