View Full Version : Pad Storage and Preservation

05-16-2005, 05:31 PM
Although I`d love to devote an entire weekend to detailing my car, the reality is that after washes I`m going to have to do it in sections at night. Life in the rat race . . .

Claying the car in sections is no problem at all, but that is done. So I`m going to wash her again and then begin the polishing process - starting with Menzerna IP.

My question is this - let`s say I polish the hood one evening and I`m not going to be able to get back out there for another day or two to do the roof, trunk, doors, etc. Should I rinse the pad each evening? Should I do more than rinse and actually wash it? Or can I just put the pad in a ziplock and when I`m ready to go again just spritz it with some water? Should I put a wet paper towel in the zip lock to make sure it doesn`t dry out? Does that matter if I`m going to be using the same product on the same car?

What do the `pros` do with their pads when they don`t finish and have to come back the next day?

NOTE: The car is covered and garaged throughout and will NOT be driven until the detail is complete.

Thanks in advance!


05-16-2005, 05:39 PM
You should wash the pad thoroughly after each use. The dried product residue might scratch your paint.