View Full Version : Weekend Detail - My Friend`s Mazda6

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05-16-2005, 01:32 PM
Being a nice guy ;) I`d thought I`d help a friend out and clean his car for him as he hardly has time to clean it. He`s a police officer who works the night shifts, and so even though he may have a few days off, he`s either too busy or too tired to clean his car. Anyways, the kinda cool thing is that even though he bought his Mazda6 around the same time I bought my Mach1, I think his car has been cleaned half the times as my Mach1, maybe even less.


Since my friend was going on a trip, I made some arrangements to go over and clean it. This was my first mobile detail and boy, was that something. I had a very "lovely" time trying to get everything into my Mach1 (small trunk). I ended up spending a whole day working on his car, although I did take a bunch of breaks the whole time.

My process:

1. Cleaned the wheels and tires - Eagle One`s All Wheel & Tire Cleaner and a tire brush I got from the local Checker`s

2. Wash - two bucket methods, NXT Car Wash; dried with PakShak WW MF towel.

3. Interior - vacuumed; 303 Protectant on all plastic sufaces. I used my new Bissell Little Green Cleaning Machine on the two front floor mats. That took a long time since I used a 6:1 Woolite Mix and I think I sprayed too much on the mats. It took a while to extract out everything. Left the mats out to dry in the sun while I finished the rest of the car.

4. Inspection - Out in the sun, here`s what I saw, not too bad I thought:


5. Experimental Polishing - With my PC, a polishing pad and SSR 2.5, I did a section of the hood to see how well that combo worked. I then pulled it out into the sun to check my work out, and saw I need to make another couple passes. Tried a couple more passes with the PC, and saw SSR 2.5 and a polishing pad will work so long as I take my time and work the polish.

6. Polishing - SSR 2.5 and a polishing pad. I took my time and made sure I made slow passes. After I finished the whole car, I again pulled it out into the sun to check out my work.


Looks pretty good, so I moved the car back into the garage and onto the next step.

7. Sealing - I like using AIO on metallics because, in my experience, it really makes the metallics pop. Plus it would give some nice durability. I applied the AIO with a polishing pad to every thing, paint, windows, black plastic trim, head and tail lights.

8. Waxing - For a topper, I wasn`t sure what to use. Should I go with something really sweet, maybe 4* UPP (a good compliment to AIO for metallics IMO)? Or something durable like Megs #16 Pro Wax? Or the can of Zymol Japon Wax my friend has so it would be easy for him to take care of? I ended up deciding to go with something that would be easy for my friend to take care of, but er, it wasn`t that easy to put on or to remove (I must be spoiled by my boutique waxes :D). I think it must`ve taken me about an hour or so to do. Ugh, but as I was removing the wax, I noticed that the car started looking a little more glossy, I guess since the wax felt a bit oily. When I was done, I had second thoughts, and.....

9. Waxing, Part 2 - ......since I wasn`t sure how long the Zymol would last, and since my friend hardly gets time to take care of his car, I wanted something durable, so out came my can of Meg`s #16 Wax. It was also a little hard to apply and remove, but easier than the Zymol. It also didn`t smell as nice as the Zymol. :p

10. Misc. - After waxing, I finished up the smaller stuff. Applied AIO+SG to the wheels, and Wheel Wax Extreme Black tire dressing to the tires; 303 Protectant to the door rubber weather seals; AIO to the tailpipes; dressed the wheel well plastic lining

with Armor-All; etc etc.

It took me the whole day, and I was wasted afterwards. It seemed like a long time, but I did take quite a few breaks, moved the car in and out of the car port to check my work, and did run home to get my vacuum cleaner and Bissell LGCM. And well, knowing I had a lot of time, I wanted to do a good job and so took my time. And besides, pulling the car out into sun and seeing how nice the car looks is the best part of it all, right? :xyxthumbs

Anyways, onto the pictures. Enjoy!




More pictures to come.

05-16-2005, 01:35 PM
Flakey?!?!? Moi? :D



I love how it the flakes would pop, yet had a nice gloss to it. Plus it was interesting to try the Zymol Japon wax, and reinforced my feeling that my friend could`ve better spent his money. But he has always loved Zymol, so what can you do? :nixweiss

BTW, what would you charge your friend for this sort of detail? I realized I didn`t discuss this with him, so I`m not really set on my price or if I`m going to charge him at all. I was thinking of leaving it up to him to decide.

Big Leegr
05-16-2005, 01:49 PM
That "Flakey" set of pics looks very glossy/wet. Like "dipped in salad oil!"

I don`t usually charge, but that`s just me.

05-16-2005, 01:50 PM
Looks awesome Reid, thats some crazy flake. :xyxthumbs

Great job all around, that guy should send some PBA cards your way for the way you made his 6 look :)

05-16-2005, 01:52 PM
NIce job! THose new Mazda 6s are nice. Me wishes me had one... black of course!

HOw many passes did you make with the 2.5 and polishing pad? 2-3?


05-16-2005, 01:54 PM
wow... excellent work! You`re a good buddy to do all that work with the thought that you might not charge him :D

If you didn`t discuss it with him first, you might have to do this for free as it`s kind of hard for some people to come up with that cash without talking to them beforehand.

However, a fair price would be in the $100-$120 range (assuming you spent 6+ hours on it.) For a detail like that in and out with defect removal, base and seal, I typically charge $120 - $150, depending on the size of the car.

05-16-2005, 01:56 PM
Nice job Hirosh. :)

05-16-2005, 03:14 PM
Nice job. Looks like you got some flakes to come out like you hoped.

05-16-2005, 05:43 PM
I own this same car, but I haven`t been able to get a real detail done on it with school. Now that school is done she`s gonna get a full detail. Do you think there would be any big benefit in putting 3 coats of SG on it?

As a side note, I haven`t really had the time to check to see if there are any "great" dealer swirls. Although, I`m not too worried because my dealer contracts out all his cleaning to a private detailing company that does their cleaning on the dealer`s lot.

05-16-2005, 06:54 PM
Man that looks BEAUTIFUL!

I love that flake shot as well.

05-16-2005, 07:08 PM
I would tell him this one is free but he has to let everyone know you did it and hand out flyers, cards, etc. I know someone mentioned elsewhere here about taking a picture of the car and placing in on a card for the customer to give out.

05-16-2005, 07:29 PM

J.J. - For the polishing, I went over each section 2-3 times at a speed of 4, then bumped the speed up to 5 and made more passes until the polish pretty much disappeared.

maecrispy - Sometimes I think I`m too nice as I hardly think of charging people much, and am more excited about being able to detail! I guess I got a sickness or something. ;) but he`s a good friend, plus him being a cop, it probably would be good for me to be on his good side. :p

RuffRyder - AIO + SGx3 would be nice. for one thing, that is great protection. secondly, it`s pretty nice. i did my mom`s altima with AIO + SGx3, you can view a few pictures inthis post (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48444&highlight=altima). of course, i like to experiment, and so i tried topping it with a couple different waxes, Meg`s #16 and Natty`s. it seemed like the waxes gave better reflectivity with a little more wetness.

05-17-2005, 03:52 PM
Beautiful job hirosh, love those flake shots

05-17-2005, 05:05 PM
I would have charged about $90-$100 for that. But I also do freebies sometimes. My neighbor and I detailed his Sonata on Sunday, and I didn`t ask for any money. I just leave it up to him whether he wants to give me anything for it.

Thomas Dekany
05-17-2005, 06:23 PM
Excellent work Hirosh.