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05-13-2005, 12:52 PM
Hey guys Ive been using products from this company called rightlook and also detail king. I m hearing alot about this poorboys line but why is it so ****ing high. A gallon of wax costs 50 bucks. Is it that good of a product? If I buy the smaller bottles I would have to buy a new one every week because of my clientel. Do you all have any comments on this. Thanks

05-13-2005, 01:14 PM
I like the SSR line. Very clean going on, and off. Easy to work with, so I`d definatly recommend it. Cheap as everything else in Canada.

Corey Bit Spank
05-13-2005, 01:21 PM
I like Natty`s and Natural look. I wouldn`t call their lineup for us "poor" people anymore. I`d call it GoodMarkettingBoys.

05-13-2005, 01:27 PM
As with anything you get what you payfor and as far as going though the bottles fast Well I`m not a Full time detailer but i`ll tel you this the amount of product you use is small but I`m not sure how your using it.. so maybe i`m wrong.

Poorboy`s is one of the better one but look around there are comapinies on both sides of the price scale..

05-13-2005, 01:27 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jamesbikeshine

Hey guys Ive been using products from this company called rightlook and also detail king. I m hearing alot about this poorboys line but why is it so ****ing high. A gallon of wax costs 50 bucks. Is it that good of a product? If I buy the smaller bottles I would have to buy a new one every week because of my clientel. Do you all have any comments on this. Thanks

Right on the site it quotes

"Shops & professional detailers: inquire by phone for proper shop prices!"

go to www.poorboysworld.com, and click on "order form/shipping information" near the bottom of the screen.

Poorboys is an excellent line of products.

05-13-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Corey Bit Spank

I like Natty`s and Natural look. I wouldn`t call their lineup for us "poor" people anymore. I`d call it GoodMarkettingBoys.

I concur. It`s getting ridiculious what all the detailing product suppliers are starting to charge for products.

What I found different between my last supplier (meguiars) and my new product supplier (poorboys), is application and removal. Both cut the same way, so I wouldn`t put either in a seperate catagory in that respect.

I`ve never been happy with poorboys bottles though. Maybe its just my last shippment, but the way the squirt all over when I open the bottle is really starting to piss me off. My garage floor is stained a blue/pink/green colour from all the polish on the ground.

Scenting of the poorboys lineup always makes customers ask me what I`m using, and how it compares to the more main stream product lineup. They don`t expect such a "oddly named" product to perform as well as it does. "Poorboys" sometimes makes customers ask me, "Are you cheaping out on me there Steve". I have had to explain to them many times over that this stuff isn`t for the "poorboy" I currently am.

But other than a few gripes, I`m very happy with the product, and well worth the investment if you ask me.

I`ve had luck with the 16oz bottles to last at least 10-12 cars each. I`m going to order a gallon sized next time, because I can`t afford $16+ for 16oz of product.

Hope that helps,


Steve`s Auto Detailing

05-13-2005, 03:07 PM
thank you all im going to have to check out poorboys

05-13-2005, 03:32 PM
hey mgm i called and they said 20% off of the original price thats only 10 bucks. im not being cheap but i pay about 25-30 bucks for my wax and compounds. i see from pics that poorboys has excellent results. i might just try the 16 oz bottles for myself and see how many cars i can do with it.

05-13-2005, 03:34 PM
To me alot of products are the same, but the ease of use is what separates them.

05-13-2005, 03:42 PM
I agree with John Styrnol. The ease of app. and removal of the PB`s line is like non other. Well maybe CK also, but I feel it is well worth it. I can go right from SSR2.5 to an LSP for a quick 2 step detail. If I am looking for more depth, wetness, shine, or whatever I can use VM, RMG, or even PB`s PwC, then go to an LSP.

Well worth what I have tried with them.

05-13-2005, 07:01 PM
I have a gallon of EX that has lasted me more than a year...and that includes giving out about a quart of it in trades to other Autopians. You probably use a half ounce of product when waxing, so you should be able to wax over 200 cars with one gallon, so at 40 cents per wax job, the price really isn`t that expensive.

The SSR line works very well and the 16 oz bottle of SSR2.5 I got in a trade was a little more than half full, and it was enough for around 7-8 vehicles. Yeah, it costs me more per use than Meguiars DACP but it is easier to use and breaks down a bit quicker so I save some time.

Check around too, other sites sell Poorboy`s products lower than on PB`s website.

05-13-2005, 08:16 PM
The best time to buy poorboy products is when they have their year end 35% off sale.

05-13-2005, 08:21 PM
I`ll gladly pay Steve`s prices for any of his products. They are top notch and Steve is a cool dude.

05-15-2005, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Buick_guy1


Scenting of the poorboys lineup always makes customers ask me what I`m using, and how it compares to the more main stream product lineup. They don`t expect such a "oddly named" product to perform as well as it does. "Poorboys" sometimes makes customers ask me, "Are you cheaping out on me there Steve". I have had to explain to them many times over that this stuff isn`t for the "poorboy" I currently am.

Just an idea. You may consider changing to unmark bottle to hide the secret hot sauce. ;)

05-15-2005, 11:35 PM
Poorboys` stuff isnt cheap compared to bulk products, but it is still a good bit cheaper than the boutique brands. As far as the prices go, I feel that "good tools don`t cost, they pay". I don`t mind spending an extra 25-50 bucks a week on chemicals if it means i can punch out an extra $150 detail with the time savings.
