View Full Version : I got keyed, how can I fix this?

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05-11-2005, 08:09 PM
What can I do to fix up this??



05-11-2005, 08:24 PM
Doesn`t look to deep, bit it`s hard to tell in pictures. I would try some Meguairs DACP by hand or PC and see if you can polish it out. It should at least make it noticeably better. If it`s past the clear coat, then there`s not much you can do but a repaint. Good luck.:eek:

05-11-2005, 08:30 PM
Oh man....that really sucks. I`ll have nightmares about getting keyed now.

Mikeman out.

05-11-2005, 09:01 PM
IF you can`t feel it with your fingernail, start with 2000 grit, go real easy on it, follow up with DACP/SSR3/Mezerna PG by rotary or PC if you have to, then finish with OCP, FP, SSR2/SSR1 or #80. If this doesnt work, your only option is going to be a repaint. You can either get it repainted by a body shop ($$$) or try to tackle it yourself. I had pretty good luck on a similar scratch on a friend`s car with black dupli-color, once you paint it, sand it almost smooth with 1500 grit then follow the regimen above. If you have any questions PM me.

BTW, find out who keyed it? You might want to try a little 120 grit on them ;)

05-11-2005, 09:38 PM
I recommend finding the person that did it and shooting them.

05-11-2005, 09:47 PM
Yeah, I`m pretty pissed needless to say. I got the ****ers plate number though I think, can anyone here do plate searches?

05-11-2005, 10:34 PM
I am in the same boat. I know mine needs repainted. It really sucks when you go from this: http://www.photohost.org/gallery/data/500/634whole_truck-med.jpg

to THIS!!!!!!!!!!:http://www.photohost.org/gallery/data/500/634key_hood-med.jpg

05-11-2005, 10:34 PM
I`d try calling the cops, and saying that you believe your car was vandalized by the driver of another vehicle, plate # XXXXX. Only do this if your looking for a clean and legal payback, if you run the plates through them and then key his car back or just straight out pound him, theres gonna be an easy suspect. If you`re just looking to kick the crap out of him (not that I reccomend or condone this, of course :nono) a number of websites offer license plate lookups for a fee.

I`d be wary of the second approach though, cause I know I`d feel pretty bad if i got the wrong guy and taught him someone else`s lesson. The best route is probably to call the cops and try to get them to investigate, you might get lucky. Or they might tell you that they have real crimes to deal with instead, in which case option #2 might be your only recourse.

05-11-2005, 10:42 PM
Do you have Comp on your insurance? This covers theft, vandalism, and fire. Call your insurance company after you get a police report. If you have Comp, it will cover a key F _ _ _ IN. I have been there and , yes it sucks, but a nice repaint isnt all that bad either.

Good luck,


05-11-2005, 10:49 PM
Yeah, I`ve got insurance, but I have a $500 deductable. For $500 I think I`ll see what i can do on my own. I was going to have the car buffed for swirls anyway, so we`ll see what I can get out. I just had to put a new engine in the car so I`m short on cash...

05-12-2005, 02:03 AM
Marksman, I will follow this with interest to see how successful you are with the buff.

Good luck.

05-12-2005, 03:39 AM
marksman, check with your insurance company I too have a $500 collision deductible but I pay nothing for vandalism. worth checking into.

05-19-2005, 07:49 PM
Well, it turns out the scratch was indeed down to the paint in several areas so I had the panel repainted. There are two spots where a dust particle or something apparently got on the panel before it was sprayed, but other then that, it turned out perfect. Now I just need to buff out the swirls and I`m good to go!

05-19-2005, 07:58 PM
Marksman, what did you end up doing about the f_ _ _ er that did that to your car?

05-20-2005, 05:21 PM
We never found out who it was. Someone or some people got about 20-30 cars in 48 hours. I got off fairly easy, as most were looking at total repaints. Some had windows punched out or scratched and others had body damage and dents, such as my friend whom I got a call from last night, saying the cops had turned up nothing.

Wish I knew who it was, the f*cks. After they paid for it, I would beat them to a bloody pulp. It`s BS.