View Full Version : Pet Hair Removal

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05-09-2005, 06:32 PM
I have a problem getting rid of pet hair out of the cars i detail. i have a decent vac and a couple brushes but the hair is just not coming up. Any ideas? How do you guys get the hair out of the carpets? Do i need a special attachment? I have a brush attachment for the vac but it doesn`t any good what so ever.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

05-09-2005, 06:39 PM
Ditto. The hair doesnt have enough mass for my Vac to suck it up. I always resort to good old fashioned lint rollers to get hair off.

Any suggestions?

05-09-2005, 06:47 PM
hmm have to try that

Anything else? I`m hoping sean chimes in, he has a way with interiors!

05-09-2005, 07:01 PM
I`ve heard coaxing it with a microfiber towel works on clothes. Maybe on interiors too? Also, they sell rubber things that feel like "The Absorber" that is supposed to do the same thing. It`s worth a shot I guess.

05-09-2005, 07:18 PM
Some of the rubber pet hair things work OK, at last some of the time. No guarantees though...

The MFs never worked as well as I would have liked, but maybe it was just *my* MFs.

I`ve used adhesive tape, but you gotta watch you don`t get too much adhesive residue on the carpet. Works pretty well though (also works for broken glass). Same idea as the lint roller, but with stronger adhesive. Sometimes I`ll give it a quick wipe with 3M Adhesive Remover afterwards.

Heh heh, seems like it`s a lot easier to get pet hair off of clothes than it is to get it out of automotive carpet and uholstery ;)

(Two dogs, and a long haired cat, here..)

05-09-2005, 07:20 PM
Depends on how much hair there is in the carpet/upholstery.

The quickest is to buy a vacuum with a spinning brush head/attachment. That will remove most of the hair and a lint roller, microfiber towel, and/or rubber pet hair brush will remove the remaining hair.

Mad iX
05-09-2005, 07:33 PM
A stiff brush with short bristles, like a toothbrush but bigger.

A dog hair brush works too, just dont use the metal ones.

05-09-2005, 08:08 PM
thanx for the advice ill have to try some of that out, see where it goes. any other suggestions always welcome.

05-09-2005, 08:19 PM
I use a directional lint brush (not a roller), made for clothes. You have to use another, stiff, bristle brush to clean it periodically while you use it but, otherwise, it works like a charm! :)

05-09-2005, 10:52 PM
lint rolle brushes @ Target. i bought 2 brushes and extra rolls. 1 for the car and 1 inside the house. works really good with 2 long hair white cats that adopted me and my wife.

05-09-2005, 10:54 PM
Any kind of rubber headed brush will work well.

05-09-2005, 10:56 PM
A rubber pet hair removal brush, a powerful vacuum, and patience. The one I use is called the sweepa. I got if from Griot`s.

05-10-2005, 09:20 AM
I have two german shepards (one white, one black) and a white bulldog and black interior so dog hair is a big problem for me.

Post Office Tape works well and it is free (at least it was when my wife was running a small business from home). All she had to do was ask for it and they (U.S. post office) would give her a couple of rolls. It is not super sticky so there is no residue left behind but it can be a little akward since it is kind of flimsy. I usually just take about 2 to three inches, wrap it around my hand, sticky side out of course, and I`m good to go. This si after my initial vacuum.

05-10-2005, 09:59 AM
I use 1-3 steps, depending on how much hair there is:

1) Stiff bristle brush (for when there`s tons of hair)

follow up with:

2) Those yellow latex gloves that cleaning services use. The kind that come up to mid-arm. Sounds weird, I know, but it really works. My cleaning lady gave me the tip and it works great on our home furniture. Added advantage is it`s usability. Nothing easier to manipulate than your own fingers.

finish with:

3) tape rollers desinged for pet hair (I typically get mine from BBB or Target). They`re wider and tackier than the normal tape roller you get for lint removal.

05-14-2005, 09:03 PM
Some of y`all might find this disgusting , but I swear it works:

heap a generous glob of spit on your hands , rub `em together and brush the surface to be treated with the flat palm of your hand. The hair will roll up on itself and you`ll be left with a tidy little ball of hair that you can dispose of just by picking it up and throwing it away.

If that method sickens you , then try water , but it doesn`t work as well as spit. I believe the coagulants and thicker consistency of saliva weigh down the hair and cause it to stick together more effectively. Best of all , nothing in this method will cost you a dime......(your hands might smell a little funny though.)

This comes from personal experience as I have two herding dogs that shed like crazy.