View Full Version : P21s cleaner and AIO... hows it work?

05-09-2005, 07:21 AM
Im a bit confused. Its in relation to applying p21s cleaner and AIO. Ive read somewhere that its a good idea to apply p21s cleaner. Then apply a few coats of AIO, before sealent/glaze and wax. This is where im confused. P21s is obviously a cleaner, but so is AIO. Wont the AIO do exactly the same as the p21s? Also, why apply a few coats as each coat you apply just cleans the last one off surely?

Ami being dumb and missing a point somewhere?

I also have a quick AIO question. Applied it thinly to my car on sat, and it was a complete pain to remove. Each panel took 3 good buffings to get all the residue off. Also once its rained, im finding more residue on my windows and painted trim. Is this right?

Nick M
05-09-2005, 07:36 AM
Hi Andy,

I thought the difference between P21s GEPC and AIO was a bit like day and night. AIO is a strong chemical cleaner/polish/acrylic procector and P21s GEPC is a very mild cosmetic polish/cream to add the final step prior to a LSP........I could be wrong :o

I used AIO a couple of weeks ago and topped it with EX-P and Natty`s C/wax. I applied the AIO with a blue 4" finishing spot pad on the PC, polished it for a short while and it was a breeze to remove...almost too easy to get that amaxing finish !

I then applied some to hard to get bumper areas by hand and I guess I did not work it for long enough as it was a PITA to remove !

I wish I had purchased AIO sooner, I would have saved a lot of money in the long run.....but isn`t that half the fun, buying and testing new products ;)

05-09-2005, 08:39 AM
im new, but I thought AIO is a cleaner thingy and the ps21 is a pure wax topping?

05-09-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Andy69

I also have a quick AIO question. Applied it thinly to my car on sat, and it was a complete pain to remove. Each panel took 3 good buffings to get all the residue off. Also once its rained, im finding more residue on my windows and painted trim. Is this right?

Obviously wasn`t thin enough. :p

Seriously, you probably did have it on a bit thick. I like to apply AIO with a PC and an LC white pad. This puts it on relatively thin but I notice that AIO is still a little harder to remove than other products.

You can always lighlty spritz a panel with QD if you`re having trouble removing.

05-09-2005, 06:12 PM
They are both pre wax cleaners. AIO leaves some protection behind but most use it for it`s cleaning ability. They both do the same job basicly. That is clean the paint and prepare it for a LSP. The big difference is that P21S GEPC will leave oils behind and is best used before a wax. AIO does not leave oils behind and works well with a sealant or wax as a LSP.