View Full Version : Blackfire, EX, or UPP

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05-08-2005, 05:56 PM
Ok I have been trying to come up with a sealant for my E430 since I joined this site. I originally thought I had my mind made up on EX, but after reading the reviews and some of the more recent threads I am having second thoughts once again. I am now considering Blackfire and UPP as alternatives. I have read that Blackfire is not very user friendly, but overall is a great product once you learn how to use it. UPP I have read lot of great things about too.

What I am mainly looking for is a durable sealant with a great look on Black . If I used EX I would defenitely top with Nattys and If I used UPP or Blackfire I would probably top with P21S/S100. Whic sealant should i choose? As far as Zaino recommendations go it is currently what I am using and I am now exploring other options. Please help me decide and finally put this question to rest. Thanks!

05-08-2005, 07:00 PM
I am a big fan of Blackfire. I really like it on light colors and some dark greens/blues. I`ll be honest and admit I haven`t used it on Black yet, but from what I have heard you either like the look it gives or you don`t on black. I`ve been very happy with it and I think it would be worth a try. I don`t find it hard to work with at all. The key seems to be applying very thin coats. I know there are some other blackfire users on here who have used it on black who could chime in.

UPP is very popular here and a quick search of the images would probably give you lots of examples of its use on black for comparison.

I`ve never used EX.


a.k.a. Patrick
05-08-2005, 07:40 PM
EX, vs. BF or UPP. I dont think EX is in the same league, great looking product, just a different look. Your comparing partial sealant to pure sealants. I think BP will give a richer look on the black, but as said, it can be a tricky product to use at first. UPP, on the other hand, great sealant, not much more to say, very user friendly and very forgiving, nice evenness.

05-08-2005, 07:40 PM
I`ve used EX and UPP and I`d have to say for ease of use I`d go with UPP. It`s just that much easier to work with.

05-08-2005, 08:06 PM
I just did the black on my truck in UPP, and it is outstanding.

Havnt tried the others...

05-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Alright, so now I can honestly say that I have crossed of EX from the list and will be choosing between Blackfire and UPP. With Blackfire will there be any benefit to topping it with something like P21S/S100 and are there any tips that can be provided to help a first time user? I am leaning towards blackfire based on the pics that I have seen so far, but I really don`t want to get in over my head with a product that may be difficult to use for a newbie. Thanks for the replies everyone and please keep the info coming!

05-08-2005, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by 6speedZ

Alright, so now I can honestly say that I have crossed of EX from the list and will be choosing between Blackfire and UPP. With Blackfire will there be any benefit to topping it with something like P21S/S100 and are there any tips that can be provided to help a first time user? I am leaning towards blackfire based on the pics that I have seen so far, but I really don`t want to get in over my head with a product that may be difficult to use for a newbie. Thanks for the replies everyone and please keep the info coming!

I`ve used the UPP and the new EX P and have a hard time telling the difference on my Black Mustang. The UPP seems to leave a slightly slicker surface, but to be honest, I haven`t had much time with the new EX P plus. In reality it`s probably a pick em item. I`ve never used Blackfire though. Both are very user friendly products. It has also been mentioned that UPP doesn`t always take well to a carnuaba topper, but in reality, you don`t need it as the shine is outstanding by itself. It doesn`t happen all the time, but has shown up on occassion. The only thing I did notice is that UPP tends to have some minor streaking problems with the Megs Final Detail I have been using. You can`t go wrong with either one in my book.:D

05-08-2005, 09:51 PM
I haven`t used Blackfire but I have used UPP and EX w/carnauba on my black 626 and I much prefer EX w/carnauba. It has a deeper, richer look than UPP on black. UPP is slicker but I find that EX stays slicker longer.

05-08-2005, 10:16 PM
Another vote for Blackfire here. My car is black and I really like the look Blackfire gives. FWIW, I topped Blackfire with S100 the very first time I used it. I really didn`t see much of a difference except a slight loss of slickness.

05-08-2005, 10:54 PM
I was really hoping that a carnauba topper on Blackfire/UPP would add something more to the overall appearance and really make my black cars stand out even more. While I thought I had EX off the list Scottwax chimes in and I now go back to reconsidering it. Are there any other sealants I should consider for a black car that will be durable and can be topped? I am still leaning more towards Blackfire and UPP, but I am completely open to suggestiosn and would actually really appreciate them.

05-08-2005, 10:56 PM
Wolfgang is a popular choice

05-08-2005, 11:03 PM
I`m also a big fan of FMJ. FMJ made my black TL-S look real wet, while the Blackfire was more subtle with it`s reflections. They`re both ultra slick. I haven`t tried UPP or EX, so I can`t really comment on those.

05-08-2005, 11:20 PM
I prefer EX w/carnauba and Wolfgang because they are the most `carnauba` looking sealants. I just can`t get past the wet glass look of most sealants on black. I want the base coat to look thicker, not the clear coat. Not ever having tried Blackfire, I can`t comment on how it looks on black.

Wolfgang or EX topped with Souveran will look amazing on black.

05-09-2005, 03:43 AM
I agree EX and Wolfgang look great on dark colours, on light colours I love the look of UPP and EX-P.

I`ve taken to using no topper on these particularly on the lighter colours as it seems to diminish the metallic flake look (very noticeable with UPP). On dark colours I`d top with P21S

05-09-2005, 03:58 AM
Wolfgang or EX with Carnuba for me here too. Both give a fantastic look on Black stand alone, and look even better when topped with a good Carnuba, liking P21s, Clearkote Carnuba Moose Wax or Souveran at the moment.

Between the sealants themselves I cant really see much difference at all, WG may have a slightly more glossy look, both look deep and wet. My choice is govenerned more by conditions and time. The EX can be used wipe on and off if need be, is sun friendly. The WG however is not as sun friendly, needs time to cure before removal, and is supposed to be kept moisture free for 12 hours to cure.