View Full Version : Problems with 1Z PP

05-07-2005, 11:41 PM

I need your input. I have been using 1Z PP for quite some times now. Love it. But recently i notice that if i wax (NXT, MPP or #26) right after 1ZPP, it takes quite a long time to cure.

I recently buff the hood with 1Z and wax with NXT. I waited about 15 mins before I wiped it off. Next day I noticed a white film (haze?) covered the hood. Could it be the issue of bonding?


05-08-2005, 12:08 AM
It *could* be a bonding issue, but I`d almost tend to say that it`s a *NXT issue* instead of a bonding issue. What was the weather like (time of day, humidity, etc.) when you applied the NXT? I`ve actually heard that NXT looks best after a wash or two, could this maybe be why??

1Z PP has some oils in it which will be left behind after use, but NXT has cleaners in it that will (should) remove that oil. 1Z polishes are among my favorite, and I`ve had great results with them.

I`d actually recommend using some Klasse AIO between 1Z PP and your LSP. This added step will prep the surface for whatever LSP you choose.

Also make sure you aren`t using too much product, or this could add to the problem.

05-08-2005, 12:35 AM
Try leaving the NXT on a little longer before buffing off next time. Sometimes in certain conditions it can take a little longer for streak free hazing removal. I got a tip from another forum member that it took his car 30min where he lived. I`ve used the MP under the NXT before with no problems and that has oils and fillers too. I think it makes it look better personally...

05-08-2005, 03:39 AM
Appreciate your inputs.


05-08-2005, 09:46 AM
The PP leaves more than just oils behind, it leaves *wax*. Doesn`t seem to matter when you subsequently apply 1Z products, but I`d consider waiting a while for it to cure before topping it with something else. I always follow PP with MP, and I`ve never had a problem topping the MP (either Pro or consumer) right away with #16. But when topping with anything else, I wait a while.