View Full Version : New guy

05-07-2005, 08:10 PM
Hi everyone,

I stumbled across this forum about a week ago and have been reading it ever since. Lovin all the info. Anyways, I own a 2003 Black Dakota R/T thats currently in need of a good polish. This winter was really mean to her:( to many rainy days spent on the freeway took its toll. Other than that, I normally wax her 5-6 times a year with Klasse, which has done an awsome job so far. Although, I never new about there high gloss sealent till now. Going to have to try that out.

As for polishing, I`m kinda of scared since I`ve never polished a car before, and not to sure if I want to test my luck on black. Maybe the gf wants her done. hehe. What kind of polish do you all like to use? What pads do you recomend? my paint is in good shape minus light clear coat scrathes and a couple hard water marks (damn county water:argue )


P.S. here a recent pic of my truck. Dont mind the 4x4 look, it got dropped the next day.

05-07-2005, 09:16 PM
when i started off i didnt want to start on my car either, but now all i want to do is polish black cars, you`ll see more rewarding results compared to any other color. i would recommend ssr 2.5 followed by ssr 1, and then a sealant. i use meg`s NXT. its a very easy process and beginner friendly.

05-07-2005, 09:25 PM
I would agree with that. I bought Propel pads for my PC from www.exceldetail.com They are price friendly, and seem to be held in high regard on here. Customer service of exceldetail is very good. Shoot him an email if you have any questions about anything on the site, he will reply very quickly. I have seen some astounding black cars on here. Keep reading around, and you will eventually get a feel for what you want to try product and process wise.

NewOwner FL
05-07-2005, 09:30 PM
welcome! :wavey

I have had good success on my wife`s black car with P21S paint cleaner followed by the Klasse twins and then topped with Souveran. Your NXT will look great as an LSP as well if you are not wanting to fork over the $$ for Souveran.

If your paint isn`t scratched up and looks pretty good, then you wont need to pick up an abrasive polish.

You may also want to clay if you have never done that before. The dirt and junk it removes is pretty astounding.

05-07-2005, 10:16 PM
Thanx for the replys guys, my paint is in good shape. Its just when its nice and clean you can see real light scratches, that are drivin me nuts. As for claying, I`ve clayed my truck twice, once right after i got it, and once after my neighbor decided to mix concrete up wind from my truck... stuff does amazing work!

05-08-2005, 11:08 AM
Welcome :up

Start any polishing with the least absrasive polish, products such as Meguiars #80 and Sonus SFX2 are mild and effective