View Full Version : New PC, Sonos DAS kit, and tons of bottles

05-06-2005, 02:44 PM
I`m going to try and remove some light swirls and a few clear coat scrapes off my black BMW. I ordered the Sonos DAS and a 7424. I picked up a bottle of Klasse All-in-One, and I already have Meguires 2, 7, & 26. I also have a "Ultracoat Wax" polyurethane sealant from P&S.

I don`t know what the difference between the pads that are in the Sonos kit so I`m not sure what color to use what product on. Should I ditch the P&S sealant and use the acrylic Klasse, and should I use the #7 before the Klasse to remove the swirles, and #2 for anything deeper?

Red Wolf
05-06-2005, 03:41 PM
Meg #7 (show car glaze if I remember correctly) should not be applied before a polymer. Klasse AIO will probably just remove #7 but if it doesn`t the #7 will prevent Klasse from bonding properly with the paint.

#7 is bassically a bunch of oils designed to cover up paint defects. AIO is a chemical cleaner #2(fine cut?) a mild abrasive #26 can be used as a topper after you apply AIO for added depth.

As for the pads, your best bet is too take a look @ an online store to see what color pad is what. Generally starting with a less agressive pad & product and working up in aggresiveness until the defect is fixed is recommended.

Getting results with the 7424 takes time technique and the right pad/product I have had mine for a year and am still working on getting the best results.

I strongly recommend digging through this site for more info before going ahead with your detailing.

05-06-2005, 03:45 PM
You are going to need a polish such as SFX 2 to remove the swirls.

05-06-2005, 04:18 PM
Judging from http://www.dano.pocketrubbish.com/detailing/productchart.htm I will try to use the Meg #2 to remove my swirls and then AIO possibly topped with #26.

Thanks for the help

05-07-2005, 10:55 PM
I have a Sonus DAS pad kit...the blue pad has almost no abrasive qualities to it, and so it should be used with finishing polishes (such as Sonus SFX 3 or Sonus Paintwork Cleanser). It is used to enhance shine. The Green Pad is for swirl removal and for minor oxidation in conjunction with swirl removers such as Sonus SFX2, it has a medium level of aggressiveness. The Orange pad is the light cutting pad used with a rubbing compound such as Sonus SFX1. With this pad, you can remove heavy oxidation, minor scratches, and so forth. The orange pad is the most aggressive pad in the line up. Sorry for me telling you about only Sonus products...I do this because I have only used them in conjunction with these pads. A little tip is this: when polishing, put some pressure on the PC so that the pad can actually do some work. In my first couple of polishes, I only allowed the weight of the PC to supply pressure to the pad...this led to almost no success in removing swirls and light scratches. Once I started to put some pressure on the pads, I started to see results. Good luck!

05-08-2005, 01:33 AM
Thanks for your help.

05-08-2005, 01:57 AM
Good luck and let us know about the results!