View Full Version : Which ClearKote products?

05-03-2005, 07:28 AM
I wanna try ot some CK products but my budget is limited since I will be approaching the $1000 mark this year (for Zaino, Souveran, PC, Wet/Dry vac....). I was going to get the Red Moose Glaze and Moose Wax....I know I want the RMG, but should I switch the Moose Wax for Vanilla Moose?

Eliot Ness
05-03-2005, 08:26 AM
Are you talking about Carnauba Moosewax (CMW), (http://www.prestostore.com/cgi-bin/store.pl?ref=exceldetail&ct=40315&pd=97676) or plain Moosewax? (http://www.prestostore.com/cgi-bin/store.pl?ref=exceldetail&ct=40315&pd=97675)

I`m going to assume you`re talking about CMW. Vanilla Moose is a great product I wouldn`t be without, but CMW is a very good LSP, it just depends on what you want to accomplish. If you want a glaze that offers some cleaning (very minor abrasives) and offers a "little" protection (not an LSP) go with VM. If you`re looking for a good LSP to top RMG with go for the CMW.

I`m going to ClearKote my street rod today or tomorrow with VM, RMG, YCW (Yellow Cream Wax), and CMW. It will give me a chance to evaluate the new RMG and YCW.

05-03-2005, 08:31 AM
This is a timely discussion, as I just received my sample pack today. It contains all the `Mooses` and I`m still trying to figure out the differences, especially the abrasiveness of the `coloured Mooses` relative to each other, and compared to the Megs scale.

Any takers?

05-03-2005, 08:39 AM
Did you get the blue moose cutting cream or compound moose? I always feel goofy saying those names:D . I was wondering what exactly those were.

05-03-2005, 08:51 AM
I would get the CMW instead of MW, but that`s me. QuikShine is a very nice QD as well.

Eliot Ness
05-03-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Alfisti

.......I`m still trying to figure out the differences, especially the abrasiveness of the `coloured Mooses` relative to each other, and compared to the Megs scale........

Paul, here are the notes I`ve been taking on the new ClearKote products. A lot (if not most) have come from reviews that Scottwax has done, I`ve just tried to put all the info I could find in one place:

Red Machine Glaze- Deeper than Vanilla Moose, this stuff is great on darker colors. Just as easy to use and leaves the surface nice and slick.

Compound Moose- A nice little compounding product with diminishing abrasives and chemical cleaners. It will remove medium or lighter swirls, minor paint defects and oxidation. The Clearkote Compound is (a compound). Breaks down real well though...but you must use about half the amount you`d use with other products or you will get some hazing. Use the correct amount and it clears out nicely.

Yellow Cream Wax- This is a nice product to smooth paint and plastics. Use it just before your last step product. Because it contains polishing oils, I would stick to a nice carnauba over it (Think Meguiars #81 or #7 but wipes off effortlessly).

Blue Moose- This is some pretty aggressive stuff. Use it as a heavy duty paint cleaner to remove tough oxidation and paint defects. You would follow up with another polishing compound.


05-03-2005, 09:15 AM
Thanks Elliot, you`re a lifesaver. :xyxthumbs (and Scottwax, by extension :D).

I received the whole shebang. :eek:

This is what I received, and, of what I understand, in the order of most to least aggressive:

Blue Moose - most cut/cleaning

Compound Moose

Red Moose

Yellow Cream Wax

Vanilla Moose

Moose Wax

Carnauba Moose - no cut/cleaning

Also got:

Quik Shine

Metal Polish

Rubber/Vinyl/Leather (sic) Treatment

Are you game to hazard a rating on the Megs scale?

I always feel goofy saying those names.

Me too! I`d be embarassed talking to customers about them...I`d want to bling them up a bit...Blue Diamond Cutting Cream, Compound Magik, Red Hot Machine Glaze, Hi Tech Yellow Wax (yeah, I know, its been taken :rolleyes: ) :D

05-03-2005, 12:40 PM
I guess which products you want depends on your paint`s condition.

Both the Cutting Creme and Compound will remove up to moderate defects and will definitely remove heavy overspray with a cutting pad. Like John pointed out, with the compound less is more. Both products will leave no to little marring (depending on paint hardness and pad choice) that either #80 or Vanilla Moose will clean up nicely.

Vanilla Moose and Red Machine Glaze give somewhat similar results (RMG has more depth, VM is a touch more reflective) but are completely different products. VM has very light abrasives and lots of oils. RMG is noticably thicker and has less visible oils (based on appearance when the oils seperate out and rise to the top...quick shake combines everything again) and no abrasives. VM also has wax and RMG does not. Both can be used on hard plastics and glass.

The Yellow Creme Wax does have protective properties and adds depth and slickness.

Carnauba Moose is a really good liquid wax. Great depth and wetness. When you initially apply it, the reflections take a slight hit but after about 10 minutes, the clarity is back and it seems to improve even more over the next hour or so (I guess as it dries completely). IMO, only Souveran has more depth than CMW.

Quikshine is an excellent QD. Very slick, removes drying streaks and will slightly deepen the color of the paint.

I haven`t tried the metal polish but others who have really like it.

05-03-2005, 12:48 PM
What would be the difference be between red machine glaze and yellow creme wax? Their descriptions sound very similar to each other.

05-03-2005, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by raymond_ho2002

What would be the difference be between red machine glaze and yellow creme wax? Their descriptions sound very similar to each other.

RMG has chemical cleaners and as far as I can tell, YCW has none.

05-03-2005, 02:08 PM
Well guys, thanks for all the input. Due to all the discussion about ALL the products, I`ve decided to wait until next year to order everything. ClearKote seems like something I`d like to use through a whole process, and I`d want to use all their products. Once again, thanks for the responses.