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04-30-2005, 03:37 PM
Cleaning cup holders can be a bear with people that drink coffee or have families etc. What is your process for cleaning cup holders that are not removable and what tool and chemical do you use to get down in there?

04-30-2005, 03:45 PM
I just use an APC or sometimes just regular ArmorAll. Spray it on a rag and wipe it clean. Some cupholders have the little area for the handle which can be hard to get a towel in, which is when I wrap the towel over a detailing brush and use that to get in those corners.

04-30-2005, 05:04 PM
I just cleaned my cup holders last evening in my work truck. I used 1Z Plastik cleaner with one of my "rag" MFs. Just sprayed in the chemical and worked in the MF as best I could. I too wonder if there is a better way? :nixweiss

04-30-2005, 05:08 PM
This is a great area to use a steamer. I have one of those $50 steamers that I got for dirt cheap at overstock.com.


I blast the stains and they melt right off and I blot and wipe up with an MF.

A little spritz of a dilluted APC for vinyl/plastic usage coupled with a steamer do wonders for working those nooks and crannies that are hard for your finegrs to get in to and work around.

Once cleaned out, if I can`t get my fingers in there with a dressing, I use a foam paint brush to dab around.

The steamer is a nifty little tool and helps for all those tight spots where grunge, grease and dirt lurk. Good for door jambs and blasting stains on carpeting to aid the stain removing chemical.

A worthwhile investment in your arsenal.

04-30-2005, 05:15 PM
Splichy, do those hand held steamers work pretty well? I have seen some on the clearance rack at Home Depot for like $45, and thought about buying one, but was wondering since the pro ones are several hundred dollars. Do they work well enough to spend the cash on?

04-30-2005, 05:24 PM
I love it. I think I paid under $20 at overstock.com.

I fill with distilled water and blast all sorts of stuff around the house!! :p

It works just like those infomercials.

As a weekend warrior, it works just fine. It`s a tough son of a gun.

Yesterday, I cleaned the garage door windows at my parent`s house. They have not been cleaned in 32 years. They got the garage doors repainted and the filthy windows stood out like an eye sore.

I used the attachment with the rubber squeegy meant to clean glass, marble, tile, etc... and blasted away. It melted away anything on the window and brown water dripped down the doors. I barely had to dry the window and use NO window cleaner!

What is will do on the interior of a car is completely soften if not melt away the gunk stuck to vinyl and plastic. It makes cleaning it so much easier and fun too.

Be careful because the canister is under pressure and the steam is HOT! Like an a$$, when new, I pressed the trigger and blasted the steam into my palm for some stupid reason and I scalded my hand. Ouch :( I was curious to see what it would do. The propulsion of steam is dramatic.

Just buy it! Think of all the other stuff you blow $45 on!

04-30-2005, 05:30 PM
Awesome, Home Depot Here I come! thanks for the info seth

04-30-2005, 06:25 PM
i just spray some dilluted castrol super clean in em, agitate it with a soft bristled tooth brush, wet vac up the excess, then final wipe down. they look like new afterwards :up

04-30-2005, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Prometheus

Awesome, Home Depot Here I come! thanks for the info seth

I`ll have to check them out as well!

04-30-2005, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by AutoNova

Cleaning cup holders can be a bear with people that drink coffee or have families etc. What is your process for cleaning cup holders that are not removable and what tool and chemical do you use to get down in there?

I use either 50/50 SG and water or Meg`s QD. I use the end of a screwdriver with an MF over it. Works wonders.

04-30-2005, 06:55 PM
I just use whatever all purpose cleaner du jour I happen to have, spritz some in the cup holder and let it soak for abit. I go ahead and clean other stuff and come back to it. Then I use a crappy rag or vacuum (depending how long I leave it and what`s left to do in the interior... pop can be the worst!). When I am really moving, I will hold a rag over the cup holder and blast away with the air compressor!! As long as I catch the "spray" I don`t create more work than I started with! You can use an aerosol dressing if you cant get into the cup holder with an applicator.

04-30-2005, 06:56 PM
I stuff a MF down in them too, but I use Griot`s Interior Cleaner.

Mark Waldron
04-30-2005, 07:27 PM
I spray Stoner Xenit ( blue can ), swish it aroung with a boar hair brush, hit it with a blast of compressed air, and do a final wipe with a MF.

05-01-2005, 03:50 AM
Las-stik dust cloth and small screwdriver. If that doesn`t work then an old water sprite and the screwdriver. No cleaner.

05-01-2005, 03:58 AM
That being said, i use Inno-tech multi purpose cleaner for most things including carpets and seats. It is a clinging foam cleaner that will dissolve all but most stubborn oil based stains.