View Full Version : Does wax/sealant expire?

04-28-2005, 09:20 PM

I have like 4 cans of wax and some other it sealant too. Does these product expire??? :confused: I dont see any expiration date anywhere on the can. The wax I have kind of worrys me, `cause I have like 5 different kind....Man, I dont think I can finish that crap in 1 or 2 year :eek:

So ummm...... yup like the subject say.


04-28-2005, 09:58 PM
as long as its stored @ room temp i wouldnt think it would expire.

04-28-2005, 10:25 PM
Perhaps it might either partly evaporate, change chemically, or become contaminated by the container. I have had that happen to me before. No pain though in my situation. If a product sits on my shelves long enough to deteriorate, it wasnt very good anyway ! LOL ! Sometimes these things are rather subliminal ! :rofl ! :rofl ! :rofl!

04-28-2005, 10:30 PM
It should last a good deal longer if you keep it at a constant temp. The best I would say for you to do is to keep it at a constant temp (ie. not in direct sunlight or any place that has large fluctuations in temp) and later on down the road when you go to use it, use your own judgement as to whether it looks "deteriorated" or not.

04-28-2005, 10:30 PM
Well, I`ve got a big gallon container of an Auto Magic wax that I got from a friend in 94` and it`s still good as new. I keep it in my garage, away from sunlight and my garage never really gets hotter than 80 degrees in the summer, or colder than about 50 degrees in the winter.

04-28-2005, 10:37 PM
Try putting them in zip lock bag to keep moisture from creeping in.

04-28-2005, 10:40 PM
Being an Autopian, I`ve found the "Food Saver" to be valuable tool for some of my detailing supplies. Like most of us, I have a pretty large arsenal. I vacuum pack my cans of Souveran, P21S , #26 & Trade Secret Carnaubas just to be on the safe side. I also keep the bottles of all my polishes & synthetic waxes/sealants in zip lock bags. ( Sometimes I feel kinda like Felix Unger!! lol ) I store my entire interior/exterior arsenal in a big gray 50 gallon rubbermaid tote, which lives in my master closet. :waxing:

04-28-2005, 10:52 PM
I have these Gallon size zip lock bag, which helps a lot. But I have had some old style petroleum based polishes separate and change texture after a couple years... messy stuff ! Wouldnt use them on anything ! Back to the question, I interpret as: are there chemically unstable products? I think some are after a time.

04-28-2005, 11:03 PM
i think you should be okay, if you keep the lid on tight and store it at a steady temp. no doubt it should last for years..... i`m sure many manufacturers who make paste wax who have overstock, store them accordingly with no problem. it`s not like they would make them and have them sit for a while and toss em to make new ones later.

04-28-2005, 11:08 PM
It would take me a good 18 months to go through a gallon of #26 and it was fine. I think if you keep your products out of sunlight and avoid temperture extremes, a properly sealed can or bottle should last years.

04-29-2005, 07:57 AM
Okay.... thanks folks for the kindly replies. Yup, I have my in the basement, so during mid summer the temp it around 70-80. I think it should be okay and during the winter time my basement has the heating system build in, so the temp` is around 60ish constantly..Okay, then I should be fine.

04-29-2005, 08:30 AM
Direct from Sal Zaino:

When stored in a cool dry place and avoiding extreme heat or cold.

Shelf Life is as follows:

Z-1 For optimum results use before 3 years.

Z-2 For optimum results use before 3 years.

Z-5 For optimum results use before 3 years.

Z-6 5 years +

Z-7 5 years +

Z-9 5 years +

Z-10 For optimum results use before 2 years.

Z-12 For optimum results use before 2 years.

Z-14 For optimum results use before 2 years.

Z-16 3 to 5 years

Z-18 5 years +

ZFX For optimum results keep tightly capped and use before 18 months

I`ve kept usable wax for 3-5 years


04-29-2005, 08:46 AM
Great info Jon. Hmm, ever wonder how long does other vendor had them in the shelf? What happend if 3 year passed and still have few hundrends left? Ebay it haha :sosad