View Full Version : New Clearkote Product Test.

04-24-2005, 02:56 PM
I received my order of Clearkote Red Machine Glaze and Clearkote Yellow Cream Wax earlier on in the week thanks to Alex a fellow Autopian on here that keeps us UK guys stocked up with all we need.

Normally I buy things as I have researched them alot on here, but unless I have missed the threads I have seen some discussions about the Red Machine Glaze, (RMG) but not alot about the Yellow Cream Wax (YCW).

I gleamed a bit off info from Scottwax here


But apart from that I knew very little about the RMG and even less about the YCW.

But as Alex had both in stock I thought ill give them both a try.

Test bed a couple off month old Black Renault. Paint in good shape following a good prep and sealed with Wolfgang x2, and some Souveran earlier in the month and some Ex with Carnuba and CMW the other week when I was playing.

So paint did not really need a major polish, just looking at beauty here!

I love VM, it ease off use and looks.

First up I tried this along side the RMG, as this had been discussed as VM on Steriods, and have given wetter results on darker colours. Only problem here is this stuff is called Machine Glaze, still no PC here, so these results may be useless, or not agree with those results given by machine users. The product states it can be used by hand so I did.

One Panel VM

One Panel RMG

One Panel VM and RMG

One Panel VM x2

As far as I could see on my paint when applied by hand with yellow foam apps. Apperrance wise there was no real difference in the 3 panels. All looked wet and deep. To touch panels felt alike. In the end I went round the car with the VM as it seemed to clean slighly better than the RMG and then gave the car a coat of RMG.

The main difference seemed how the products worked in application, makes sense really.

The VM goes on and comes invisable layer to wipe off which even by hand in direct sun light wiped off effortlessly. I guess the product breaks down in this way for machine use?

Both where a breeze to use on and off, just both worked in different was, but giving alike results.

Remember tho the RMG has no protection and the VM does. I struggled to spot any reals difference in apperance between though, maybe using a coat both like I did was overkill, but hell they looked good.

Biggest suprise off the day came from the Yellow Cream Wax. Unlike the other too products off which the VM is very thin, and the RMG a little thicker, the YCW is a fair bit thicker, not as much as Carnuba Moose Wax, but noticeable thicker than the other pair. This was the unkown one. Scottwax described it as an easy to use #7, which was a go to product for me before VM, again a confussing name on this one wax but it doesnt contain any wax or protection?!?..and neds to be waxed after. I almost wondered why i brought this stuff and what was it going to do!!

Knowing little about it read the bottle, brigthen finish and improve reflective gloss, will make paint smoother. This is what RMG says apart from making the paint smoother. Part of me is wondering know if these product are now tripling up.

But anyway, used a clearkote mf pad this time as I was not looking to really give any real bite just wipe on wipe off to see if it increased depth and wetness. This unkown one was a real beauty, added more visable depth, wetness and paint felt slicker. I goes on and off easily, does dry as the RMG does. Impressed indeed.

Looking back VM or RMG I think I would choose one or the other but I would recommend the YCW as it really does add something extra. I know most people have been using the RMG as it has been developed for by machine, which is why they may have noticed more visable difference between it and VM. I know Scottwax commented on this, this is maybe why? By hand for me both worked well and looked fantastic but nothing between them. YCW added to them tho. Glad I have all three tho, will save the RMG till I get the PC now I think, or use it instead of doing VMx2 as I sometimes do.

Pics to follow.


04-24-2005, 03:27 PM
Heres some Pics, just to recap

Vanilla Moose

Red Machine Glaze

Yellow Cream Wax.

Not sealed at this stage, added a coat of Wolfgang after the pics, and sun went in, planning another couple off coats of WG, then a coat off CMW and finally Souveran, will get some sealed pics then.




Direct sun side


Other side in shadow



04-24-2005, 03:28 PM

04-24-2005, 04:02 PM
I still think that I like your Wg and Souveran combo best, so far...

Do you think that this YMW would be good under the UPP or FMJ I use on Silver?

04-24-2005, 04:11 PM
The Wolfgang and Souveran will top off nicely the base layed down by the above.

I have not got either UPP or FMJ sorry, I have been using Ex-p or 1Z glanz wax on lighter colours so cant comment.

04-24-2005, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the review, the car looks awesome.

04-24-2005, 08:54 PM
Hello fellow Autopian!!

Your car looks great! I must agree with the use of the Wolfgang Sealant & Souveran combo. I find that combo to be nothing short of stunning on black paint! Thanks for your review of the VM,RMG,YCW. I do have the VM in my arsenal, but I might have to try the RMG & YCW.


04-25-2005, 12:04 AM
The paint looks really deep and liquid!

I`ve only tried RMG by hand on Harleys, not really enough room for a PC, even with 4" pads. I haven`t compared VM to RMG by hand side by side. VM has very light abrasives and wax protection but RMG is a pure non abrasive glaze and it seems to stay wet for quite a while when applied by PC. I also think it has a bit more depth than VM.

I`ve been playing around with YCW as well. I`m still not sure why it is called a wax but it definitely adds depth and terrific slickness. It really doesn`t seem to have much in the way of cleaning properties, other than what you get from the pad itself.

04-25-2005, 02:29 AM
Cheers for the comments guys.

BlkTac05 - Yeah Souveran and Wolfgang seem to be my fave combo so far on black, though EX with carnuba looks very good too, for me the wolfgang seems to leave the paint a little glossier. Not much between them really.

I have added one coat off WG so far, planning 3 or 4 this time depending on weather next weekend, and will top with CMW and Souveran.

Scottwax - the YCW made the paint noticeably slicker and added gloss to the VM and RMG below it. I applied it lightly with a MF hand app, rather than working it as much as I did the other two with foam hand pads.

I may try the RMG with a MF pad next time as well.

04-25-2005, 04:27 PM
Does anyone know if RMG and YCW can be used on rubbers, glass etc, or are they just for paint?

One off the beautys off VM is it can be used all over.



04-25-2005, 04:39 PM
RMG can be used on everything VM can. Not sure about YCW though.

04-25-2005, 04:45 PM
Cheers Scott. Thats good to know. Labels on both products are very a like but I could not get any info about weather either could be used on everything. Both just mention paint and plastic, where as VM states Rubber seals and glass in addition to the paint and plastics.

04-25-2005, 04:55 PM
I have VM and RMG. I can`t tell any difference between the two besides VM having some cleaning abilities.

The claims of the RMG on the label is total garbage. That is an utter misrepresentation of what that product can do.

Don`t get me wrong, I really like it as a pure glaze, but have you read it`s claim? In one sentence it says it has no abrasives. In another sentence it claims to remove minor paint defects, oxidation, overspray and wet sanding marks.

It just doesn`t do that. I tested it on some slight marring from washing with a white polishing pad and a PC on speed 6 and it didn`t make a dent in them except to fill them.

Like I said, I really like it (as I like VM) as a glaze. I`m just blown away by the claims on the label.

I don`t know anything about the YCW. If I have RMG, VM and CMW, what would I need YCW for?

I have spoken to a distributor of Clearkote and the person said there needs to be a much better effort made to label the products better and offer appropriate claims.

Although Clearkote makes a great line of products (thank god for the sun friendliness) marketing is not a strong suit to put it mildly.

04-25-2005, 04:59 PM
I`d agree that RMG isn`t going to remove anything other than the most minor defects (pad dependent) with a PC. However, I know Everett uses a rotary so maybe that has something to do with it. :nixweiss

However, I also think the labels should be modified to relate that information.

04-26-2005, 02:15 AM
I think the YMW and the RMG labels are almost identical bar a few words.

Seth did you find the RMG, and VM products different to work with?