View Full Version : Basic UPP and #16 questions

04-24-2005, 10:52 AM
Using the AIO/UPP combo, can I top the UPP with Meg #16? Will it make a difference on dark blue metallic? Should I top UPP with anything? Should I skip the UPP and go with AIO/#16?

I bought two cans of #16 this weekend. How long will that last me given `regular` use of it? Is it so great that I should buy more of it since they stopped making it?

I understand that some of these questions are opinion questions but thats what I want to hear.



04-24-2005, 11:24 AM
No! Don`t top UPP with anything! It looks amazing by itself. Just put a few layers of that bad boy on your car (each after proper curing time) and your set.

Some people say you can top it with this or that and still may look good, but IMO leave it alone You will be compeletey satisfied!

04-24-2005, 11:40 AM
I agree. The UPP and the #16 are both great products (among my very favorite LSPs), but I wouldn`t use them on the same car.

Topping the UPP wouldn`t, IMO, add that much to the look but would decrease the slickness and prevent you from adding more UPP.

Try the AIO/#16 combo on another vehicle and compare.

If you only wax when it needs it, and don`t waste any by applying it too thick, two cans of #16 should last you for years. An application takes *very* little #16, as you oughta put it on very thin. And it lasts a long time.

04-24-2005, 12:21 PM
UPP is great as far as looks go but I think my car just becomes a dust magnet after I apply it. I guess it`s just because my car is black and has always been a dust magnet... hehe. Anyone else experiencing the dust magnet issue?

04-24-2005, 12:33 PM
The dust happens after the application and will go away after the first wash. Some other members have had some solid explanations as to why this is, I just know that it definitely goes away after a wash. I have experienced the same problems with dust. Just normal. I have also had the same problem with other sealants as well, not just UPP.

04-24-2005, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone.

Perhaps in the future I will do a half and half experiment on the hood, AIO/UPP and AIO/#16, and test the looks and durability of them. If anyone has done this comparison before please chime in with any thoughts.
