View Full Version : How versatile is SRP?

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04-23-2005, 08:27 AM
I already have SRP, but am wondering what else I can use it on / with. I`ve only used it on paint so far, and just as a base for EGP at that. Works great, but I`m wondering if I shouldn`t try it for other uses, or if I should pick up something like AIO or Poorboy`s Pro Polish for other cleaning uses..

How does SRP do for giving glass a deep cleaning (I know Autoglym has their glass products, but if SRP can do the trick..), or for cleaning up exhaust pipes, or as a base for products other than EGP - like Poorboy`s EX-P or straight to wax?

I was looking for an excuse to try a new product, but if SRP is as versatile like other similar products seem to be I can spend my money elsewhere!

04-23-2005, 08:47 AM
SRP can be used as a base for *any* LSP without cleaners. I`ve never seen any compatability problems.

Yes, you can use it for glass (not windscreen) and cleans it well.

04-23-2005, 08:50 AM
I use it as a milder polish for exhausts and stainless etc, when it does not need the deep clean off a metal polish.

I have put it under Ex, EX-p, Blitz, #26, P21s, CMW, Glanz wax in the past works as a good base for most things.

04-23-2005, 10:56 AM
Much as I like SRP, I`ve found it doesn`t clean as well as AIO and it isn`t as well suited for use on plastic trim, etc. I never tried a different sealant over it, do like it under carnaubas though.

04-23-2005, 11:37 AM
I tried some SRP yesterday on the windscreen with the PC. It was only left on the glass for a few minutes so not really enough time to bond properly. I know it is not recommended but it did seem to work well and left the glass very slick. It is going to rain early next week so I will report back on how it works.

If it does not work out I have some Jaguar Windscreen Paste that should remove it.

SRP is still one of my favourite products

04-23-2005, 08:04 PM
I don`t have my bottle handy, why do they advise against using it on the windshield? I`ll probably give it a try just cuz...

Good to know it works well under other LSPs :)

04-25-2005, 09:39 AM
the reason for not using it on glass, is probably due to the fact it contains silicons in its make up and they are a pig to get off glass.

04-25-2005, 10:36 AM
I have used SRP for all sorts!

I like it as a general purpose cleaner on paint, I have tried it under EGP, Wolfgang, P21S, #16 and recently Souveran - all with good results. My favourite at the moment is SRP - WG - Soveran on a dark grey metallic Honda (i might even have to post some pics of this - it`s THAT good!)

I have also used it with good effect on Plastic headlight covers - has just enough `cut` to polish them up real good. I have used it on that "plastic-chrome" stuff that is on most cars these days and I have used it on the side windows of the car which looks great as it makes the side windows bead in the rain and the windows take a green hint to them!

I`ve actually also used it on bare aluminium on my last motorbike. the `cut` was evident as it turned the cloth black - brought them up well and added a good protective layer.

I like to use it in place of something like GEPC, because if something should happen that day and you don`t get to put a layer of LSP on the car - at least you know that it is still protected by the sealant properties of SRP.

04-25-2005, 10:54 AM
forgot to say, i used it on my rear plastic cabrio window, and it came up like new. I think this is a top product and have been using it for years, even won the porsche nation street class with a car preped with it some years ago.

04-25-2005, 04:33 PM
Mark, welcome back :xyxthumbs

I tried some SRP on the exhaust pipe yesterday - worked well. If the SRP causes smearing it really is an excuse for me to try the Jaguar paste with the PC. So far the glass looks good (sic) and is just so smooth

04-27-2005, 03:01 AM
It has rained for the last two days and no smearing with the SRP on the glass :)

04-27-2005, 03:09 AM
Worth a try by the sounds of it then. They used to always say you could use it on glass on the old bottles, does it still say thay now?

Big Leegr
04-27-2005, 09:01 AM
The bottle I have says "Avoid application to glass and unpainted textured plastic trim. Remove from glass with Autoglym Car Glass Polish..."

04-27-2005, 11:18 AM
I wonder if my success is due to having an older (93) car. I believe glass has become softer over the last few years, maybe that is a factor :nixweiss

Maybe using the PC allowed the product to be fully worked in and not left to fully cure?

I have not tried SRP on plastic before so if I get a chance tonight I will give it a go.

04-27-2005, 11:29 AM
I have used SRP on smooth clear plastic headlights before without any problems.