View Full Version : Stopping Foot Rot !

04-21-2005, 04:59 PM
It seems like every car that been through the a harsh Canadian winter has rust forming on the foot of the seats and the rust stains then spread around the carpet area making it a undesirable sight. Is there anyway to stop this from happening ?, I tried already lubing the foot area before winter, but I think there is a minute amount of water coming through the bolts holding down the seats that causes it. I had used a dremel with wire brush to get rid of the rust on foot and then reapply a coat of black rust paint, but I know this will appear again after winter.

Any sugestions, this happens to the best of cars that go through winter.

Eliot Ness
04-21-2005, 06:53 PM
I would try something like Eastwood`s Rust Encapsulator. I have used it on the chassis area before and haven`t seen any rust return.

I`d also remove the seats so you can clean as much rust off as possible and get a couple of good coats on everything and let it dry. I`d also clean or replace the bolts and seal around the holes with some silicone when you put it back together. HTH

Eastwood Rust Encapsulator (http://www.eastwoodco.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=1136&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=373&iSubCat=374&iProductID=1136)

04-21-2005, 07:25 PM
I have the same thing on my car. Every winter, the feet rust, and every spring I pull out the seats, sand them down, and repaint them with rust preventative primer and then good rust proofed paint. Somehow they still rust. It must be the salt eating through the paint or something, but I don`t know of a good way to stop it either. What i ended up doing, si getting some of that 1/8th inch foam (comes in 8.5x11 sheets in any wal mart or k mart for like a buck) and cut it into little 2x2 squares. Then cut an X in the middle and slid it over the bolt, then put the seats back on. No more rust on the carpets, and if the foam gets nasy, its like a dollar to replace a whole sheet, which will probably do 4-5 cars.

Anyways, thats what I do, but as for preventing the rust, as far as I know there is now perfect way.

04-21-2005, 09:18 PM
Must be an eastern CanaDUH thing .. never happened on any of my cars and I don`t see it on customers cars either.