View Full Version : What else can I do?

04-20-2005, 08:26 AM
Hi guys. Another noob here.

I just got done with the following





Is there something else I can do? I`ve been reading and people say rather than using quick detailers after a wash, I should user a booster to enhance the wax job.

Also, I read people are applying upwards of 2,3,o 4 layers of AIO and a couple of p21s. Now I just need to ask, how in the hell do you have time to do that? Cause I must be spending too much times rubbing the products in, cause yesterday I spent 4 hours on the clay and AIO. Is there a little video clip anywhere showing how long you need to apply the AIO to each section? Or a clip showing how long to apply the wax to each section?

Right now Im doing this all by hand, and hope to get a PC before the end of the summer. Are these people using a PC and that is why they are able to get 4 layers on?

One more question, I read that some guy applied 2 layers of SG. A couple days later he washed is car and applied a 3rd layer. The next week he washed again and applied a 4th layer. Is he really adding layers? I was always under the assumption that you need to add layer in successions with a 24hr cure period for each layer. For some reason I thought that after you washed your car, you are no longer adding layers. Am I wrong? Prolly am, lol

04-20-2005, 08:36 AM
You can do alot more if your arm is willing (or get a PC). Swirl removal is probably the next step you should add to your technique. You will want a PC for that.

- People don`t apply multiple coats of AIO (2 at most but not needed).

- They do apply multiple coats of SG (more layers = more looks).

- PC doesn`t speed anything up substantially, but it does samve that arm from hurting

- No, you won`t wash it off unless you use some really concentrated cleaner or additional AIO

- You sould probably add SG x3 after your AIO, then add some P21S... YOU`LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE

Odin Mz3
04-20-2005, 09:56 AM
As J.J. said, you dont layer AIO cause the new application remove the old one. But you MUST layer SG to get the best result. Usually 3 time before aplying a carnauba wax.

04-20-2005, 10:54 AM
Thanks guys, should probably add a few things. My car is a 2004 Mazda 3 5 door. (pic below) So the paint is in good condition. I just got done waxing p21s by hand and from start to finish it took me 2.5 hours. Is this good time for doing by hand, or should it be quicker?

If I went with AIO, SG, p21s would I see better results adding multiple layers of SG or multiple layers of p21s?

What do you guys recommend I should use after a wash to bring out the just waxed shine? I had been using Meguairs Quick Detailer.

Heres a pic of my car for reference


04-20-2005, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by nappyjim

My car is a 2004 Mazda 3 5 door... I just got done waxing p21s by hand and from start to finish it took me 2.5 hours. Is this good time for doing by hand, or should it be quicker?

If I went with AIO, SG, p21s would I see better results adding multiple layers of SG or multiple layers of p21s?

What do you guys recommend I should use after a wash to bring out the just waxed shine? I had been using Meguairs Quick Detailer.

Heh heh, it takes me a few hours to just *wash* a vehicle and I work fast enough that it`s aerobically demanding (and yeah, I`m in shape ;) ). This stuff just takes as long as it takes. The WRX I used to have was about the size of your Mazda, so I`d say you`re doing fine.

With products like AIO and waxes, you can pretty much just rub it on, maybe let it haze, then buff it off. No real point in "working it into the paint" very much, with the possible exception of the AIO (if you need to fully exploit its cleaning abilities). IMO it`s the abrasive polishing that takes a lot of time, any you`re not doing that.

On our Mazda, I found that multiple layers of SG made a difference, it looked more impressive after coat #4 or so. Topping with wax at that point should make a difference too. It made things look better on mine, but I quit doing it as I`d rather just keep refreshing the KSG from time to time.

Yes, you can successfully layer SG by applying it after each wash; I do that all the time. Heh heh, it takes a lot more than a car wash (or ten ;) ) to remove KSG. I also spot-clay my SG all the time, and, *as long as you`re gentle about it*, the clay just cleans the SG, it doesn`t remove it from the paint.

I`d use a QD after washing, one that goes with the LSP you have on there (e.g., Sonus with KSG, something carnauba-based for the P21S). The Meg`s Quick Detailer would be OK over the P21S.

04-20-2005, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Heh heh, it takes me a few hours to just *wash* a vehicle and I work fast enough that it`s aerobically demanding (and yeah, I`m in shape ;) ). This stuff just takes as long as it takes. The WRX I used to have was about the size of your Mazda, so I`d say you`re doing fine.

With products like AIO and waxes, you can pretty much just rub it on, maybe let it haze, then buff it off. No real point in "working it into the paint" very much, with the possible exception of the AIO (if you need to fully exploit its cleaning abilities). IMO it`s the abrasive polishing that takes a lot of time, any you`re not doing that.

On our Mazda, I found that multiple layers of SG made a difference, it looked more impressive after coat #4 or so. Topping with wax at that point should make a difference too. It made things look better on mine, but I quit doing it as I`d rather just keep refreshing the KSG from time to time.

Yes, you can successfully layer SG by applying it after each wash; I do that all the time. Heh heh, it takes a lot more than a car wash (or ten ;) ) to remove KSG. I also spot-clay my SG all the time, and, *as long as you`re gentle about it*, the clay just cleans the SG, it doesn`t remove it from the paint.

I`d use a QD after washing, one that goes with the LSP you have on there (e.g., Sonus with KSG, something carnauba-based for the P21S). The Meg`s Quick Detailer would be OK over the P21S.

So you just layer SG on your car after a wash and stopped applying p21s on top of that? Cause i was gonna ask, people on another forum, said that SG was a wax too. So I was confused.

So if a wash and a gentle clay doesnt remove the KSG, what will? Like say I want to detail my car really good every 6 months. And the time is coming up. Would a wash, clay, and AIO bring the car back to pre-SG state, and then i could start layering the SG again?

Just to confirm, layering SG require 24hrs wait period too, right?

Accumaltor, what Mazda you have?

04-20-2005, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by nappyjim

So you just layer SG on your car after a wash and stopped applying p21s on top of that? Cause i was gonna ask, people on another forum, said that SG was a wax too. So I was confused.

So if a wash and a gentle clay doesnt remove the KSG, what will? Like say I want to detail my car really good every 6 months. And the time is coming up. Would a wash, clay, and AIO bring the car back to pre-SG state, and then i could start layering the SG again?

Just to confirm, layering SG require 24hrs wait period too, right?

Accumaltor, what Mazda you have?

Yeah, I just use KSG these days. It`s a synthetic sealant, not a "wax" (waxes contain, well, *wax*, which comes from natural sources such as carnauba). SG will layer on top of itself (and AIO) but not over top of wax. Once you apply wax (e.g., P21S), no more SG can be applied until you strip it down and start over. To do that you can just clean the paint by applying AIO, as you suspected.

Yeah, you should wait 24 hours, but I dunno if that`s a real number or just a convenient convention that`s been proven to work. I`ll sometimes cheat and wait a little less (apply first coat one evening, apply next coat late the next morning). Generally, a longer wait is better.

Our current Mazda is an MPV minivan. Always swore I`d never own such a thing, but it works great for hauling the dogs. With multiple layers of SG I get months of protection (over a *year* in some cases). And with careful washing I can avoid polishing for a year or more at a time. But it`s big, so redoing it is quite a job.