View Full Version : Dull after polishing??

04-19-2005, 03:06 PM
Hey guys,

Yesterday I polished my hood and trunk with ssr 2.5 using a green propel pad followed by ssr 1 with a green sonus pad. I then topped it with NXT.

Today for some reason my hood and trunk dont seem to pop or have the same gloss or shine that I remember. Any thoughts or ideas on the problem or how to fix it. I did however eliminate almost all my swirls now I just have to fix the rest of the car. Oh yeah the color is Nighthawk Black Pear.:xyxthumbs

04-20-2005, 10:13 PM
anyone have any ideas??:nixweiss

04-20-2005, 10:34 PM
Sounds to me like you may not have worked SSR2.5 enought to break it down. 2.5 is quite abrasive and may dull the finish if not worked enough.

Try going over it again with SSR1...use a bit more than usual and work it in well.

I have the Sonus green but not the Propel green...I thought they were much the same in aggressiveness...how did they compare?

Remember to use the more aggressive pad with 2.5 and least aggressive with 1.

04-20-2005, 10:38 PM
Thanks for the advice.

I worked it until it dusted, I started off at speed 3 then moved up to 5. I didnt want to keeping working after it started dusting for the fear of introducing swirls