View Full Version : Bug Removal...what`s your tool?

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04-19-2005, 01:02 PM
Bug sponge...Wash Mitt....Small MF towel? Do you use bug removal solvents, or just soap and elbow grease? Bug season is in full swing here in the South, and here in a little while I`m going to start on my bug covered `runner. I usually use a separte little "crappy" old microfiber to remove stubborn bugs, and use bug and tar romover on isolated spots. What`s your protocol?

04-19-2005, 01:20 PM
I ride a Harley dresser with the fairing and 12 inch wind shield. During the "months of the BUG" in North Carolina I am appreciative of all the front protection I can get. The best and easiest on the finish method I have found is a towel(what ever size one wants to use) and hot water, no detergent. Soak the towel in hot water and with out wringing it out apply the towel to the areas and let set for a time ,five minutes or longer,and most of the residue will soften easily removed. I don`t rub hard as some grit may be stuck in the remains an d may cause swirls or scratches. Repeat as needed. I do this before I wash the bike. Works for me!!!

Odin Mz3
04-19-2005, 01:26 PM
I heard bug remover act as a solvent with the wax and when you use it you have to wax again (I think it`s from the Autopia detailling guide). Is it true and is there a good alternative.

I`ll probably try the hot towel trick, but is there any other suggestion.

04-19-2005, 01:28 PM
Most of the time I just use clay. This includes when Accumulatorette returns from extended summer roadtrips down south where her A8 really picks up the bugs. Clay will almost always suffice (at least for me) if the LSP is doing its job.

04-19-2005, 01:32 PM
Here is what I do, I only use bug and tar remover for extreme situations, rarely if ever on my own vehicles.

I first saturate with PB`s S&W before washing, then while washing I go over it once with my sheep skin mitt, then I scrub any left over splatters with a MF sponge. I buy the MF sponges at autozone 2/2.99, they are made by swipes. Placing a few drops of car wash on the MF pad helps too for stuborn bugs.

04-19-2005, 01:37 PM
The Porsche cleaner is very good

04-19-2005, 05:08 PM
Quote: I heard bug remover act as a solvent with the wax and when you use it you have to wax again (I think it`s from the Autopia detailling guide). Is it true and is there a good alternative.

The dead bugs remains are acidic ab=nd will indeed act as a `solvent`. The suggested `hot towel` method and /or clay.


tom p.
04-19-2005, 05:21 PM
I`ve got a few of these from Nick @ Detailer`s Paradise...they are excellent for bug removal and no chemicals are required. I simply toss them in the wash bucket and use it as needed during my wash routine.

picture (http://www.detailersparadise.com/_System/_AdvancedStore/@Engine/LargeView.asp?Key=642292004554522-249136543&Type=642292004554522-2491365432&Title=Paradise+Microfiber+Scrubber) link (http://www.detailersparadise.com/_System/_AdvancedStore/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=642292004554522%2D2491 36543&DeptID=&CatID=&SubCat=&TabOn=3)

http://autopia.org/gallery/data/3086/26dp__14_.jpg :up

04-19-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by tom p.

I`ve got a few of these from Nick @ Detailer`s Paradise...they are excellent for bug removal and no chemicals are required. I simply toss them in the wash bucket and use it as needed during my wash routine.

picture (http://www.detailersparadise.com/_System/_AdvancedStore/@Engine/LargeView.asp?Key=642292004554522-249136543&Type=642292004554522-2491365432&Title=Paradise+Microfiber+Scrubber) link (http://www.detailersparadise.com/_System/_AdvancedStore/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=642292004554522%2D2491 36543&DeptID=&CatID=&SubCat=&TabOn=3)

http://autopia.org/gallery/data/3086/26dp__14_.jpg :up

Me too, MF scrubber, works great on those really nasty cars :up

04-21-2005, 04:22 AM
Low pressure water, soak the front of the car for 30 seconds to a minute. spraying side on, not straight at the paint and then wait a few minutes and then use high pressure from 4 feet away, again at side on angle so your not blasting the bugs into the paint. If anything is left over, I soak with shampoo and then a separate wash mitt

With my car, they fall off damn easy and whenever I get bugs, I take it off as a soon as I get to either my destination or home. Won`t give the buggers a chance.

04-21-2005, 05:07 AM
Use a generous helping of S & W followed by gentle use of a mf towel. S & W will usually lift those little buggers off.

04-21-2005, 05:15 AM
I can`t remember the last time I had bugs on my car :nixweiss Honestly, maybe it`s where I live. I get bird poo from time to time, but no bugs.

04-21-2005, 06:20 AM
You can pick up that MF scrubber at WalMart now, a 2 pack is about $5. I haven`t had an opportunity to try it yet though.

04-21-2005, 06:27 AM
be careful with all the OTC microfiber guys!

i usually just up the temp of the water and they fall right off.

04-21-2005, 04:25 PM
Hi all!

In the car care shop i work in ( or what is it called, we are clening and polishing cars ) we are using smartab products, and for bugs we are using some thing called


It is a high concentrate product that solws oil, rubbermarks, vegetable and animal fat ( like bugs ) effective.

we are using it with realy good resoult.

Sorry for my bad english, im trying to get better in english. :)

/ Magnus