View Full Version : engine cleaning (repeat)

04-18-2005, 09:14 PM
i no there was just a thread about this but i have more questions. i own a 97 pathfinder (www.cardomain.com/id/tensors22288) and i just recently tried to somewhat clean the engine bay that had not been touched since it was bought. i heard stories about spraying water on it and having the car not start so i took a different approach. i basically sprayed wd40 everywhere i needed to, scrubbed with toothbrush, and wiped down. it came out ALOT better than when i started but not good enough. i heard u can spray on some stuff, let it sit, and spray it down. will this liquid get all of the grime and grease out or what. and can someone tell me what exactly needs to be covered with foil or wrap if i spray it down. i would love to know exactly what to do and if the results are good. thanx for the help in advance

04-18-2005, 09:22 PM
It is usually recommended that you cover any electrical parts like coil packs, distributor, and alternator. You also need to cover your air filter if it`s exposed.

Personally, I do all my engine cleaning by hand. I don`t want to take any chances with my customers` engines.

I use 303 Aerospace cleaner for degreasing.

04-18-2005, 10:45 PM
I use Gunk Engine Brite for degreasing dirty engines, and then I use some 303 to spice things up.

04-19-2005, 07:43 AM
ive done it by hand too but i really jus need to know if its somewhat safe to cover the parts u mentioned, apply a degreaser of some sort, and then lightly hose it down, no direct high spray...will this take everything off just as well as doing it by hand cause i cant reach many areas by hand

04-19-2005, 10:08 AM
Yes, it should be safe to do that. I`ve done it many times and never had a problem. But of course YMMV, just no way to guarantee anything like this.

How effective it will be will depend in part on which engine cleaner you use. Buy plenty so you have enough to keep at it if one try doesn`t satisfy you.

04-19-2005, 10:54 AM
i thought i read and some some pics of somebody that cleaned an engine using 50/50 mixture of westley bleach white and water. not 100% sure but for some reason it sounds familiar

Eliot Ness
04-19-2005, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Asonyexec

i thought i read and some some pics of somebody that cleaned an engine using 50/50 mixture of westley bleach white and water. not 100% sure but for some reason it sounds familiar

That was JDookie, and his method is in this thread:
