View Full Version : Engine Degreaser

04-18-2005, 01:03 AM
What is a good product for engine degreaser? My friend has his engine pulled out of his car and he`s looking to clean up the engine bay a little.. what would be a good product for this? I didn`t really recommend anything because I don`t have much experience with it since my car is so new. Would simple green be a easy solution?

04-18-2005, 01:14 AM
Gunk Engine Brite. Every auto parts store has it, should cost $1 to $2 a can. Has a bright orange cap. I usually use 3 cans on my Mercedes, you can probably get away with 2 on your Mustang.

04-18-2005, 01:34 AM
yeah its for a friend he has a civic hatch with a huge turbo on it.. ran 11.3 last summer.. but anyway.. I`ll look for it and let him know. thanks

04-18-2005, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by DanoWatt

Gunk Engine Brite. Every auto parts store has it, should cost $1 to $2 a can. Has a bright orange cap. I usually use 3 cans on my Mercedes, you can probably get away with 2 on your Mustang.

I like the Gunk but it has to be the Foamy Engine Brite. The regular stuff just doesn`t seem to cut the heavy grease deposits as well.