View Full Version : First detail with PC & Menzerna

04-17-2005, 09:09 PM
So, this weekend I did my first detail with my PC and my new products. My final process ended up being:

wash with menzerna auto shampoo

clay magic

IP - orange LC pad

FP2 - white LC pad

AIO - white LC pad

FMJ - red LC pad

The car really wasn`t too bad to begin with, but it did have some minor swirling. I started out with FP2 and it just seemed like it wasn`t getting out all the swirls, so I went to IP. Any ideas from some Menzerna experts? Maybe I was just not patient enough for the FP? Maybe I should have used the orange pad with the FP? Or maybe the swirls were deeper than I thought..... Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Overall I think it came out pretty well for my first time with the PC and these products. Here are a couple pictures. Sorry there are no before shots.


http://webpages.charter.net/bjmiga78/bjmiga78/DCP_2319.JPG http://webpages.charter.net/bjmiga78/bjmiga78/DCP_2320.JPG

04-17-2005, 09:22 PM
FPII is a mild polish that wont address major swirls. IP usually will get the swirls, if not then Powergloss will. No orange pad with FPII. This link has pad recommendations for menzerna.


04-17-2005, 09:27 PM
I think it looks very good. :ups

I`d say your first attempt was very successful - well done! You obviously did your research and applied what you learnt.

As for FPII...it`ll only remove *very* minor imperfections...I use it as more of a gloss enhancing polish rather than swirl removing.

You might want to use a green pad to maximize the bunishing effect with FPII...that`s just my view. The LC white pads (I use two types) are a bit more aggressive than people think. That`s why I like to finish with the green pad after using IP with the white pad.

Are you not happy with your results?

04-17-2005, 09:31 PM
Awsome looking GT i am going to use the same products on my 03 DSG Mach1 when i get a brake from school.

04-17-2005, 09:35 PM
Thanks guys!

Alfisti - I am happy with the results, I guess I was just expecting FP to be a bit more agressive. I think next time I will try the green pad with FPII as you suggested.

04-17-2005, 10:36 PM
Looks very nice!

Any reason for going with AIO before FMJ? Or just a personal preference!:D

04-17-2005, 11:23 PM
Looks good. IP and FP are becoming really popular

04-18-2005, 06:04 AM
Consider using the FP with a gray LC finishing pad. Start out about 4.5 then after a couple of passes, crank it up to 6 and work it until you cannot see it any more. It will really BURNISH your paint to a brilliant shine.

BTW, I have never used FP for a cut, only as a last step polish before applying a finish. I use a variety of polishes, but invariable finish with FP, and only for burnishing. As it is principally water based, it will pull off any oils and fillers left behind from the other polishes.

Now I`m evaluating PO85RD and I am mightily impressed. I may have some FP for sale soon...... I only use it with a rotary, so cannot advise you about its use with a PC.

04-18-2005, 06:40 AM
bjmiga, as an alternative to the two Menzernas, I`d *highly* recommend the new Mothers PowerPolish (MPP).

Used with an orange pad it removes substantial swirls and with a green pad it really breaks down and burnishes to an amazing finish. It appears to combine a polish with a glaze, and leaves the finish slick and glossy, and ready for your LSP.

On some jobs I`m considering replacing the Menzerna duo with MPP. I`ve already used it on a `63 Thunderbird and am mightily impressed. Sooooo easy to use!

04-18-2005, 07:09 AM
O4cobra - That was my first time with all of the products, and I just wanted to give the AIO a try.

Thanks for all the complements guys!