View Full Version : Tried Prestone wheel cleaner/proctant

04-17-2005, 03:19 AM
Decided it`s worth a try since it`s only 4 dollars. Followed the directions and sprayed it on cool dry wheels, let it sit for a minute, rinsed it off with strong water. sprayed it on another time, and rinsed it off with not so strong water.

The result was pretty nice, considering I didn`t have to scrub the wheels at all. Most of the dirt came off when the water was sprayed on.

I do not know if it`s really protecting the wheels, but the wheels definetly feels very smooth compared to how it used to be. Definetly something I will buy again.

04-17-2005, 07:23 AM
Is that the one that has the brake dust repellent? if, yes, How does it compare to Michellin`s Brake dust repellent and cleaner?

Better/ Worse?

04-17-2005, 01:30 PM
yes, I meant cleaner/repellant.

I have not yet used the mechillenrepellant, but I don`t think it will do very well against it. It`s a 4 dollar, dual purpose product, don`t expect miracles from it. Look for good cleaning, and the repellant should just be a small extra feature.

04-17-2005, 11:58 PM
I tried it this past week also, and I thought it did a real good job, if not better than Eagle One A2Z on the wheels. I also think the repellant aspect of it is decent, brake dust still gets on there, but it wipes tons easier than before. I guess it`s not really a repellant since brake dust still accumulates, but it`s easily worth $4.