View Full Version : can I use Klasse AIO with Poorboy`s QD+Quick Detailer?

04-16-2005, 06:30 PM
"To dampen your applicator pad, try using a quick detailing spray. The lubricants in the spray will make application even easier."

This is one tip that I`ve read somewhere about, my question is: can I use my Poorboys QD+quick detail to dampen the MF app pad?

04-16-2005, 06:50 PM
You *can* but water is better because some QD`s have chemicals in them that won`t always *agree* with what you are trying to apply and can`t ever go wrong with water.

04-16-2005, 07:08 PM
cool, one more question jdookie.

so, those should be the steps:



wash again??

polish if necessary

Klasse AIO

wipe off AIO

wait an hour then Klasse SG

wipe off SG

am I missing anything?

tomorrow I`m gonna go ahead and do my 1st detail

I have a brand new 325i silver gray

04-16-2005, 07:11 PM
Yep, that would be the process.

Some people wash after clay and some don`t. I am one of the ones that does.

You don`t need to wait after AIO to apply SG, it can be done immediately. While we are on the topic of SG, please read this post as there is some very useful info in it that you will need:


04-16-2005, 07:27 PM
thx again, very kind of u. also, do i have to apply SG after AIO on my wheels as well? or should I just stick with AIO? is SG going to give me some more shine on the wheels?

04-16-2005, 10:29 PM

04-16-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by horatiub

thx again, very kind of u. also, do i have to apply SG after AIO on my wheels as well? or should I just stick with AIO? is SG going to give me some more shine on the wheels?

I don`t know about more shine, but most of us put a few coats of SG to make cleaning the wheels easier.

04-16-2005, 10:51 PM
Sorry, I skipped over this thread somehow.

If you want more durability and more depth (maybe some shine too) then apply a coat, or two, or three of SG on your wheels. SG is AWESOME for this purpose. AIO alone will give you about a solid two months of protection from my experience. SG on top of AIO will give you nearly six months before it needs to be done again. Just remember to never use any kind of strong wheel cleaners, soap and water only.