View Full Version : Detailing Black Car

04-16-2005, 05:11 PM
As in my earlier threads I am planning to detail my Black E430 that has very obvious swirl marks and light scratches. I orignally thought I had made up my mind on using certain products, but I am now open to suggestions. I will wash and claybar the car first, so my question is what do you reccommend for a Swirl Remover? I was planning to go with SSR2.5 and SSR1, but I am now considering Menzerna and any other suggestions. I own a Porter 7424 Sonus Pads. Which will work better on heavy swirl marks with a PC. If need be I can post photos of the car in its current condition. It has sat in the garage for the better part of six months and has not been waxed in atleast that time frame. Lastly what wax is best used on a black car? I have heard good things about Poorboys EX. This car is driven at most two to three times a week right now. Please offer any advice you can. I promise this will be my last thread regarding this car.:) I have searched for the past three days reading posts nonstop and each time I think I have found what I was looking for I find something new(to me). Thank You!


04-16-2005, 05:20 PM
Either menzerna or poorboys will work just fine. Ex does look good on black. a lot of people will agree that Souveran or Trade secret will look awesome on black if durability is not an issue.

You will find that the prep work is what really makes the car look awesome. You have narrowed it down to two very good choices in polishes. either combo will look great.

Posting some pics will be of great help if you have any.

04-16-2005, 06:25 PM
Car has not been washed in a while and it is coverd in dust. Not sure how much you can see from the photo. I have more pics, but I can`t find a decent place to host them.


http://img177.echo.cx/img177/3509/img06039we.th.jpg (http://img177.echo.cx/my.php?image=img06039we.jpg)

04-17-2005, 01:15 AM
Host them here:


It`s free. I have almost 150 pictures on my Photobucket account now with no problems.

SSR2.5 is my favorite polish. It`s so easy to use, and doesn`t leave any micromarring even when used with a yellow pad. The Menzerna polishes are great too. You can`t go wrong with either one.

04-17-2005, 12:24 PM
Ok here are some more pics. Not sure if you can really see the shape its in, but I figured it was worth a try. What would be a good wax to use on this car. I have a lot of Zaino, but I am open to suggestions. The car is kept in the garage and after I am finished detailing it will be covered and probably driven a few times a week. I sill can`t decide between Menzerna and SSR2.5. Is there an advantage to one over the other. Thanks for all of the advice so far!





04-17-2005, 01:12 PM
Souveran is everyone`s favorite for black cars.

From what I`ve recently heard, Zaino doesn`t like to be topped with a wax, so if you`re going to use Souveran or any other carnauba, you need to use a different sealant.

SSR2.5 has the advantage over Menzerna IP because it can be used in the sun with no problems. The whole Poorboy`s line is very sun-friendly.

04-17-2005, 01:32 PM
White95Max thanks for all of your advice. In regards to Zaino, what I meant was I already have alot of their product on hand. That would be the #1 reason why I would choose to use it right now, if I did. I am really looking for something that will bring this cars finish back to life. Like I said the car will be garaged, covered, and driven a few times a week so I would like to use a product with some durability to it. I really like the SSR2.5 (from what I have read), but I have heard the German paints really like the Menzerna IP and FP. I hope to make a decision by tonight so I can place my orders in the morning, because I was hoping to start detailing Saturday.

As for Souveran I plan to use it the next time I detail the Viper. I can`t wait to see the results!

Edit: Removed pics. Did not want to cause confusion on which car I am seeking advice on.

04-17-2005, 03:31 PM
Zaino can surely be topped, the complaint was that adding wax made the surface look less deep and wet, meaning that person thought Pro was already as wet and deep as possible. I don`t personally top Zaino anymore except with Z8, but I think Natty`s is the perfect choice to top Zaino on a dark car if you want a nuba. 6Speedz, this is especially good if you are using the old z2, then Natty`s will make that Black car pop.:xyxthumbs
