View Full Version : By Hand...

04-15-2005, 08:26 PM
What is the best method for applying AIO by hand? Last week I washed, dried, then applied AIO with MF applicator pad. I spent a little time making sure I had covered every part of the panel I was working on, but I didn`t apply very much pressure, nor did I spend a whole lot of time on each panel, just enough to go over each spot about twice or three times. Then wiped/buffed lightly with MF cloth. I know a PC would be best, but I don`t have one/can`t use one (appartment complex).

I am pretty happy with the results, and will be applying Collinite #845 this weekend, but I wanted to know if I did anything wrong in the application, or of there is a need to really work the AIO for a while on each panel to get the best results. Anyone have any ideas? Having never done this before, i don`t really know what the car should look like except *shiny*. Thanks guys.

04-15-2005, 08:29 PM
Depends on if you are rubbing out spots and contaminants. But WOWO is fine most of the time, especially if your topping with Collinite. If after you applied AIO you still see spotting or oxidation then you know you didn`t work it long enough.

04-15-2005, 08:30 PM
I use a MF applicator to apply AIO if there is oxidation to deal with (or cutting pad if by PC).

If I`m just looking for a smooth base for the LSP, I use a foam applicator (or light polishing or finishing pad). Some people like to mist a little water on the pad first too. I have used the applicator dry and damp, and it worked well for me both ways.

04-15-2005, 09:11 PM
OK, thanks. I wet the MF pad with some QD spray, as suggested in an earlier post, and it seemed to help get the AIO really thin. Now on to the IW!!