View Full Version : Folex for General Carpet Cleaning

04-10-2005, 10:39 AM
Just a quick question...

Picked up some Folex at Wal-Mart and was wondering if anyone around here has used this product for general carpet cleaning (mixed in the solution tank of deep cleaner/mixed in bucket with water, scrubbed with brush)? It is advertised as a "Spot Remover," but with a dilution.....anyone try this?


(I did use Search, people talked about using it maybe as a general carpet cleaner, but no one gave a dilution :nixweiss )

04-10-2005, 02:15 PM
Well I guess with some experimentation today I figured out my own little concoction. With my Hoover Steam Vac Jr. (I`ll post another thread reviewing the product/process later on) I added 2 oz. of SteamVac Detergent to 1/2 gallong of HOT water to the clean water tank. I then proceeded to spray the Folex onto the more soiled/stained areas, agitated with upholstery brush, then turned on machine. Made a wet "pass" with SteamVac, shooting the solution into the carpet and suctioning it up. Then I made some "dry passes" with no solution, just the suction. Worked brilliantly! The results are amazing. I`ll have a review posted later.

04-10-2005, 04:55 PM
Folex is a great carpet cleaner. I tried it on recommendations of others on this site. I use it on my floor mats with a carpet brush and a hose with great results.

It works great on interior carpents too. It removed orange cat vomit stains from my light beige carpet that Resolve Spot &Stain Remover left behind.