View Full Version : Very Hot...

04-06-2005, 02:41 AM
So I have my new black car, and I am looking for the best way to protect it, seeing that I live in the desert where temps get to 115 regularly in the summer. Did I mention that I have to park my car outside under a carport (appartment complex). My plan was to use Klasse AIO, and then Collinite #845 on top, maybe two or three coats. I would love a super shine, but for me, durability in the heat is more of an issue. Any other suggestions? Blackfire as opposed to Collinite? Again, I am looking for something that will last several months, if possible. When it is 3000 degrees, who wants to wax a car outside every week? Thanks for any responses.

04-06-2005, 06:26 AM
Add a few coats of SG inbetween the AIO and the Collinite. That SG will last in the hot AZ desert...

04-06-2005, 11:16 AM

I`m in the same boat as you. I`m in West Texas and the summers are brutal. I`ve used the Klasse Twins/ P21S combo for years with good luck. I just bought a new Black 05 Tacoma and I`m gonna give the Zaino system a try. I`m on a quest to find a product that offers the best U.V. protection from the sun. My truck is parked outside in the sun for 10 hours a day while I`m at work & I want to keep it in the best condition I can. I believe that carnauba melts/evaporates from the surface at about 160-180 degrees. (Scottwax & BlkZ28Conv will be able to provide more detailed info for ya. ** no pun intended ** ) The Klasse AIO/SG should give you 4-6 months of protection. I enjoy waxing/polishing so reapplying a carnauba every 2-4 weeks doesn`t bother me. In general I keep the Klasse products on for 3 months & top with wax ( once again) every 2-4 weeks in the summer. Every 3 months I strip weverything and start over again. Prepping`s the key. ( claying, polishing )


General Lee
04-06-2005, 11:39 AM
Most Carnuba`s will probably have a hard time holding up in that kind of heat. Your car`s surface gets alot hotter than just the outdoor temp. I would seal it with SG, or Zaino for instance and if you wanted a carnuba as a topper than you can still do that with the durability of your sealant underneath.

04-06-2005, 11:42 AM
I remember reading about how popular #16 is in Arizona because of its resistance to heat. May be something to look into.

04-06-2005, 06:59 PM

Have you thought of using Blackfire on the new truck? I have read comments from many people VERY happy with the durability, protection, and yes, shine. I am thinking about it as well, but I have already already ordered Collinite #845, so I will try that first and see how long it lasts on top of the AIO.

04-06-2005, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by stogie1020


Have you thought of using Blackfire on the new truck? I have read comments from many people VERY happy with the durability, protection, and yes, shine. I am thinking about it as well, but I have already already ordered Collinite #845, so I will try that first and see how long it lasts on top of the AIO.

For a carnauba, IW will serve you very well so don`t sweat buying something else right now. IW, according to the bottle, is supposed to stand up to very high temperatures. So far, on the wheels, they are true to the promise. I would recommend to your wallet to follow the AIO IW route and see how it treats you. SG in the heat is effective, don`t get me wrong, but the heat is no fun with SG. WOWO is an understatement.

...but it`s a dry heat...:D

04-07-2005, 01:03 PM

Blackfire is one of the products I haven`t tried yet. The Klasse Twins have treated me well for quite some time. Next week........It`s Zaino time!!!!

04-07-2005, 01:06 PM
I get a kick out of the " It`s a dry heat " comment. When it hits 105 out........nothing`s dry!!!

04-07-2005, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by BlkTac05

I get a kick out of the " It`s a dry heat " comment. When it hits 105 out........nothing`s dry!!!

yeah well out here in jersey it will be 96 but after the humidity factor in it *feels* like it 106....kinda of like the winter and the wind chill effect....it will be like 32 degrees but after windchill it will be like 7 degrees:sosad

04-08-2005, 02:52 AM
SG, Zaino Z2Pro, WG, all do nicely without any topper at all. If I lived in a place where the car in direct sunlight can cook an egg, I would definately completely avoid Carnauba. In the summertime, in AZ, the surface temperature of a car, light or dark can give bare skin a serious burn ! Why apply something that wont last any significant time? IMHO, go with sealants in your climate. Where I live, Carnauba is fine, the temperature range is not so extreme as in AZ. Hey here is an experiment my cousin who lives in the Valley of the Sun did a couple years ago... place a container of carnauba wax in the direct sunlight for 3 hours, tell me what happens, LOL !:cool:

04-08-2005, 02:54 AM
Sent an Email to Collinite, here`s the reply:

The #845 contains the #1 grade yellow carnauba wax along with two man-made

wax blends. I believe you will find that the #845 will provide longer

protection compared to just about everything on the market. If anything you

could try our #476s Super Doublecoat Paste Wax which last about 1-2 months

longer than the #845.

Mike Oczkowski

Customer Service

04-08-2005, 04:39 AM

And I`ll just bet your desert heat gets the BLACK surface as hot as 180 to 200 degrees...


04-08-2005, 06:18 PM
OK, I don`t even cook a roast at THAT high a temp!! I think I may just keep the Collinite for the cooler months, or for showing off for 30 seconds in the summer, and use Blackfire on top of AIO for the summer. Anyone in a high heat place try this combo? Results?