View Full Version : Very specific Zaino Apllication question

04-05-2005, 08:08 AM
New to the Zaino process, and have searched and read everything I could on the product. I have also had some conversations with Sal at Zaino to answer about 95% of what gives me a comfort level in applying the product for the first time this week.

Last anal retentive question:

I haven`t seen anything on "exactly" how to apply the Z-5. I understand there are no abrasives, so I imagine you dont need to scrub it in when applying?

Do you literally just press hard enough for the Zaino to get on the car? When they say "Top to Bottom" for the vertical panels, can I just place the applicator at the far side of the panel, place the applicator at the top, apply pressure and pull it down to the bottom of the panel, just one swipe and then move over a bit and repeat?

Or does top to bottom me repetitive up and down motion to scrub it on?

This is the only answer I could not specifically find.

Thanks again to everyone who has replied thus far, this site is my dream, anal retentive car owners galore. :)


04-05-2005, 08:30 AM
"Or does top to bottom me repetitive up and down motion to scrub it on?"

That`s what I do...except I would replace the word scrub with wipe because you don`t need to apply with much pressure and I also would overlap strokes to make sure you get full coverage.

I suppose you could do it the other way you mentioned but would think it would be awfully time consuming and the applicator would have to have enough product soaked up evenly across.

04-05-2005, 09:03 AM
yea, go up and down a few times just to ensure uniform coverage, you`ll find an applicator will leave the most product at the initial pressing point.

04-05-2005, 09:08 AM
Basically, just apply firm pressure so that you could get good contact between the pad and the surface. Don`t overdue or due it. IMO, it`s better to apply it with lighter pressure than more.

As for the vertical application, the only reason to due to that is to minimize the appearance of scratches. Horizontal scratches are much more evident than vertical one`s on vertical panels. As for application, don`t worry too much about getting it absolutely straight up and down. Just apply the same way you would a wax and you`ll be fine.

Tip: make sure you spritz your pad with the detailer as that helps a lot in apply Z5 (or Z2 for that matter).


04-05-2005, 09:08 AM
Sounds good, thanks for the replies.

I am excited to try it, have heard so many people really happy with the Zaino product line.

I will post hopefully "successful" pictures soon.

Thanks again for the insights.
